<?php /** * Zend Framework * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@zend.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Pdf * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License * @version $Id: Pdf.php 24593 2012-01-05 20:35:02Z matthew $ */
/** User land classes and interfaces turned on by Zend/Pdf.php file inclusion. */ /** @todo Section should be removed with ZF 2.0 release as obsolete */
/** Zend_Pdf_Page */ // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Page.php';
/** Zend_Pdf_Style */ // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Style.php';
/** Zend_Pdf_Color_GrayScale */ // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Color/GrayScale.php';
/** Zend_Pdf_Color_Rgb */ // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Color/Rgb.php';
/** Zend_Pdf_Color_Cmyk */ // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Color/Cmyk.php';
/** Zend_Pdf_Color_Html */ // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Color/Html.php';
/** Zend_Pdf_Image */ // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Image.php';
/** Zend_Pdf_Font */ // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Font.php';
/** Zend_Pdf_Resource_Extractor */ // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Resource/Extractor.php';
/** Zend_Pdf_Canvas */ // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Canvas.php';
/** Internally used classes */ // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Element.php';
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Element/Array.php';
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Element/String/Binary.php';
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Element/Boolean.php';
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Element/Dictionary.php';
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Element/Name.php';
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Element/Null.php';
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Element/Numeric.php';
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Element/String.php';
/** * General entity which describes PDF document. * It implements document abstraction with a document level operations. * * Class is used to create new PDF document or load existing document. * See details in a class constructor description * * Class agregates document level properties and entities (pages, bookmarks, * document level actions, attachments, form object, etc) * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Pdf * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License */ class Zend_Pdf { /**** Class Constants ****/
/** * Version number of generated PDF documents. */ const PDF_VERSION = '1.4';
/** * PDF file header. */ const PDF_HEADER = "%PDF-1.4\n%\xE2\xE3\xCF\xD3\n";
/** * Pages collection * * @todo implement it as a class, which supports ArrayAccess and Iterator interfaces, * to provide incremental parsing and pages tree updating. * That will give good performance and memory (PDF size) benefits. * * @var array - array of Zend_Pdf_Page object */ public $pages = array();
/** * Document properties * * It's an associative array with PDF meta information, values may * be string, boolean or float. * Returned array could be used directly to access, add, modify or remove * document properties. * * Standard document properties: Title (must be set for PDF/X documents), Author, * Subject, Keywords (comma separated list), Creator (the name of the application, * that created document, if it was converted from other format), Trapped (must be * true, false or null, can not be null for PDF/X documents) * * @var array */ public $properties = array();
/** * Original properties set. * * Used for tracking properties changes * * @var array */ protected $_originalProperties = array();
/** * Document level javascript * * @var string */ protected $_javaScript = null;
/** * Document named destinations or "GoTo..." actions, used to refer * document parts from outside PDF * * @var array - array of Zend_Pdf_Target objects */ protected $_namedTargets = array();
/** * Document outlines * * @var array - array of Zend_Pdf_Outline objects */ public $outlines = array();
/** * Original document outlines list * Used to track outlines update * * @var array - array of Zend_Pdf_Outline objects */ protected $_originalOutlines = array();
/** * Original document outlines open elements count * Used to track outlines update * * @var integer */ protected $_originalOpenOutlinesCount = 0;
/** * Pdf trailer (last or just created) * * @var Zend_Pdf_Trailer */ protected $_trailer = null;
/** * PDF objects factory. * * @var Zend_Pdf_ElementFactory_Interface */ protected $_objFactory = null;
/** * Memory manager for stream objects * * @var Zend_Memory_Manager|null */ protected static $_memoryManager = null;
/** * Pdf file parser. * It's not used, but has to be destroyed only with Zend_Pdf object * * @var Zend_Pdf_Parser */ protected $_parser;
/** * List of inheritable attributesfor pages tree * * @var array */ protected static $_inheritableAttributes = array('Resources', 'MediaBox', 'CropBox', 'Rotate');
/** * True if the object is a newly created PDF document (affects save() method behavior) * False otherwise * * @var boolean */ protected $_isNewDocument = true;
/** * Request used memory manager * * @return Zend_Memory_Manager */ static public function getMemoryManager() { if (self::$_memoryManager === null) { // require_once 'Zend/Memory.php';
self::$_memoryManager = Zend_Memory::factory('none'); }
return self::$_memoryManager; }
/** * Set user defined memory manager * * @param Zend_Memory_Manager $memoryManager */ static public function setMemoryManager(Zend_Memory_Manager $memoryManager) { self::$_memoryManager = $memoryManager; }
/** * Create new PDF document from a $source string * * @param string $source * @param integer $revision * @return Zend_Pdf */ public static function parse(&$source = null, $revision = null) { return new Zend_Pdf($source, $revision); }
/** * Load PDF document from a file * * @param string $source * @param integer $revision * @return Zend_Pdf */ public static function load($source = null, $revision = null) { return new Zend_Pdf($source, $revision, true); }
/** * Render PDF document and save it. * * If $updateOnly is true and it's not a new document, then it only * appends new section to the end of file. * * @param string $filename * @param boolean $updateOnly * @throws Zend_Pdf_Exception */ public function save($filename, $updateOnly = false) { if (($file = @fopen($filename, $updateOnly ? 'ab':'wb')) === false ) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception( "Can not open '$filename' file for writing." ); }
$this->render($updateOnly, $file);
fclose($file); }
/** * Creates or loads PDF document. * * If $source is null, then it creates a new document. * * If $source is a string and $load is false, then it loads document * from a binary string. * * If $source is a string and $load is true, then it loads document * from a file.
* $revision used to roll back document to specified version * (0 - current version, 1 - previous version, 2 - ...) * * @param string $source - PDF file to load * @param integer $revision * @throws Zend_Pdf_Exception * @return Zend_Pdf */ public function __construct($source = null, $revision = null, $load = false) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/ElementFactory.php';
$this->_objFactory = Zend_Pdf_ElementFactory::createFactory(1);
if ($source !== null) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Parser.php';
$this->_parser = new Zend_Pdf_Parser($source, $this->_objFactory, $load); $this->_pdfHeaderVersion = $this->_parser->getPDFVersion(); $this->_trailer = $this->_parser->getTrailer(); if ($this->_trailer->Encrypt !== null) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('Encrypted document modification is not supported'); } if ($revision !== null) { $this->rollback($revision); } else { $this->_loadPages($this->_trailer->Root->Pages); }
$this->_loadNamedDestinations($this->_trailer->Root, $this->_parser->getPDFVersion()); $this->_loadOutlines($this->_trailer->Root);
if ($this->_trailer->Info !== null) { $this->properties = $this->_trailer->Info->toPhp();
if (isset($this->properties['Trapped'])) { switch ($this->properties['Trapped']) { case 'True': $this->properties['Trapped'] = true; break;
case 'False': $this->properties['Trapped'] = false; break;
case 'Unknown': $this->properties['Trapped'] = null; break;
default: // Wrong property value
// Do nothing
break; } }
$this->_originalProperties = $this->properties; }
$this->_isNewDocument = false; } else { $this->_pdfHeaderVersion = Zend_Pdf::PDF_VERSION;
$trailerDictionary = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Dictionary();
/** * Document id */ $docId = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); // 32 byte (128 bit) identifier
$docIdLow = substr($docId, 0, 16); // first 16 bytes
$docIdHigh = substr($docId, 16, 16); // second 16 bytes
$trailerDictionary->ID = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Array(); $trailerDictionary->ID->items[] = new Zend_Pdf_Element_String_Binary($docIdLow); $trailerDictionary->ID->items[] = new Zend_Pdf_Element_String_Binary($docIdHigh);
$trailerDictionary->Size = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Numeric(0);
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Trailer/Generator.php';
$this->_trailer = new Zend_Pdf_Trailer_Generator($trailerDictionary);
/** * Document catalog indirect object. */ $docCatalog = $this->_objFactory->newObject(new Zend_Pdf_Element_Dictionary()); $docCatalog->Type = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Name('Catalog'); $docCatalog->Version = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Name(Zend_Pdf::PDF_VERSION); $this->_trailer->Root = $docCatalog;
/** * Pages container */ $docPages = $this->_objFactory->newObject(new Zend_Pdf_Element_Dictionary()); $docPages->Type = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Name('Pages'); $docPages->Kids = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Array(); $docPages->Count = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Numeric(0); $docCatalog->Pages = $docPages; } }
/** * Retrive number of revisions. * * @return integer */ public function revisions() { $revisions = 1; $currentTrailer = $this->_trailer;
while ($currentTrailer->getPrev() !== null && $currentTrailer->getPrev()->Root !== null ) { $revisions++; $currentTrailer = $currentTrailer->getPrev(); }
return $revisions++; }
/** * Rollback document $steps number of revisions. * This method must be invoked before any changes, applied to the document. * Otherwise behavior is undefined. * * @param integer $steps */ public function rollback($steps) { for ($count = 0; $count < $steps; $count++) { if ($this->_trailer->getPrev() !== null && $this->_trailer->getPrev()->Root !== null) { $this->_trailer = $this->_trailer->getPrev(); } else { break; } } $this->_objFactory->setObjectCount($this->_trailer->Size->value);
// Mark content as modified to force new trailer generation at render time
$this->pages = array(); $this->_loadPages($this->_trailer->Root->Pages); }
/** * Load pages recursively * * @param Zend_Pdf_Element_Reference $pages * @param array|null $attributes */ protected function _loadPages(Zend_Pdf_Element_Reference $pages, $attributes = array()) { if ($pages->getType() != Zend_Pdf_Element::TYPE_DICTIONARY) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('Wrong argument'); }
foreach ($pages->getKeys() as $property) { if (in_array($property, self::$_inheritableAttributes)) { $attributes[$property] = $pages->$property; $pages->$property = null; } }
foreach ($pages->Kids->items as $child) { if ($child->Type->value == 'Pages') { $this->_loadPages($child, $attributes); } else if ($child->Type->value == 'Page') { foreach (self::$_inheritableAttributes as $property) { if ($child->$property === null && array_key_exists($property, $attributes)) { /** * Important note. * If any attribute or dependant object is an indirect object, then it's still * shared between pages. */ if ($attributes[$property] instanceof Zend_Pdf_Element_Object || $attributes[$property] instanceof Zend_Pdf_Element_Reference) { $child->$property = $attributes[$property]; } else { $child->$property = $this->_objFactory->newObject($attributes[$property]); } } }
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Page.php';
$this->pages[] = new Zend_Pdf_Page($child, $this->_objFactory); } } }
/** * Load named destinations recursively * * @param Zend_Pdf_Element_Reference $root Document catalog entry * @param string $pdfHeaderVersion * @throws Zend_Pdf_Exception */ protected function _loadNamedDestinations(Zend_Pdf_Element_Reference $root, $pdfHeaderVersion) { if ($root->Version !== null && version_compare($root->Version->value, $pdfHeaderVersion, '>')) { $versionIs_1_2_plus = version_compare($root->Version->value, '1.1', '>'); } else { $versionIs_1_2_plus = version_compare($pdfHeaderVersion, '1.1', '>'); }
if ($versionIs_1_2_plus) { // PDF version is 1.2+
// Look for Destinations structure at Name dictionary
if ($root->Names !== null && $root->Names->Dests !== null) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/NameTree.php';
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Target.php';
foreach (new Zend_Pdf_NameTree($root->Names->Dests) as $name => $destination) { $this->_namedTargets[$name] = Zend_Pdf_Target::load($destination); } } } else { // PDF version is 1.1 (or earlier)
// Look for Destinations sructure at Dest entry of document catalog
if ($root->Dests !== null) { if ($root->Dests->getType() != Zend_Pdf_Element::TYPE_DICTIONARY) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('Document catalog Dests entry must be a dictionary.'); }
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Target.php';
foreach ($root->Dests->getKeys() as $destKey) { $this->_namedTargets[$destKey] = Zend_Pdf_Target::load($root->Dests->$destKey); } } } }
/** * Load outlines recursively * * @param Zend_Pdf_Element_Reference $root Document catalog entry */ protected function _loadOutlines(Zend_Pdf_Element_Reference $root) { if ($root->Outlines === null) { return; }
if ($root->Outlines->getType() != Zend_Pdf_Element::TYPE_DICTIONARY) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('Document catalog Outlines entry must be a dictionary.'); }
if ($root->Outlines->Type !== null && $root->Outlines->Type->value != 'Outlines') { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('Outlines Type entry must be an \'Outlines\' string.'); }
if ($root->Outlines->First === null) { return; }
$outlineDictionary = $root->Outlines->First; $processedDictionaries = new SplObjectStorage(); while ($outlineDictionary !== null && !$processedDictionaries->contains($outlineDictionary)) { $processedDictionaries->attach($outlineDictionary);
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Outline/Loaded.php';
$this->outlines[] = new Zend_Pdf_Outline_Loaded($outlineDictionary);
$outlineDictionary = $outlineDictionary->Next; }
$this->_originalOutlines = $this->outlines;
if ($root->Outlines->Count !== null) { $this->_originalOpenOutlinesCount = $root->Outlines->Count->value; } }
/** * Orginize pages to tha pages tree structure. * * @todo atomatically attach page to the document, if it's not done yet. * @todo check, that page is attached to the current document * * @todo Dump pages as a balanced tree instead of a plain set. */ protected function _dumpPages() { $root = $this->_trailer->Root; $pagesContainer = $root->Pages;
$pagesContainer->touch(); $pagesContainer->Kids->items = array();
foreach ($this->pages as $page ) { $page->render($this->_objFactory);
$pageDictionary = $page->getPageDictionary(); $pageDictionary->touch(); $pageDictionary->Parent = $pagesContainer;
$pagesContainer->Kids->items[] = $pageDictionary; }
$pagesContainer->Count->touch(); $pagesContainer->Count->value = count($this->pages);
// Refresh named destinations list
foreach ($this->_namedTargets as $name => $namedTarget) { if ($namedTarget instanceof Zend_Pdf_Destination_Explicit) { // Named target is an explicit destination
if ($this->resolveDestination($namedTarget, false) === null) { unset($this->_namedTargets[$name]); } } else if ($namedTarget instanceof Zend_Pdf_Action) { // Named target is an action
if ($this->_cleanUpAction($namedTarget, false) === null) { // Action is a GoTo action with an unresolved destination
unset($this->_namedTargets[$name]); } } else { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('Wrong type of named targed (\'' . get_class($namedTarget) . '\').'); } }
// Refresh outlines
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/RecursivelyIteratableObjectsContainer.php';
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new Zend_Pdf_RecursivelyIteratableObjectsContainer($this->outlines), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($iterator as $outline) { $target = $outline->getTarget();
if ($target !== null) { if ($target instanceof Zend_Pdf_Destination) { // Outline target is a destination
if ($this->resolveDestination($target, false) === null) { $outline->setTarget(null); } } else if ($target instanceof Zend_Pdf_Action) { // Outline target is an action
if ($this->_cleanUpAction($target, false) === null) { // Action is a GoTo action with an unresolved destination
$outline->setTarget(null); } } else { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('Wrong outline target.'); } } }
$openAction = $this->getOpenAction(); if ($openAction !== null) { if ($openAction instanceof Zend_Pdf_Action) { // OpenAction is an action
if ($this->_cleanUpAction($openAction, false) === null) { // Action is a GoTo action with an unresolved destination
$this->setOpenAction(null); } } else if ($openAction instanceof Zend_Pdf_Destination) { // OpenAction target is a destination
if ($this->resolveDestination($openAction, false) === null) { $this->setOpenAction(null); } } else { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('OpenAction has to be either PDF Action or Destination.'); } } }
/** * Dump named destinations * * @todo Create a balanced tree instead of plain structure. */ protected function _dumpNamedDestinations() { ksort($this->_namedTargets, SORT_STRING);
$destArrayItems = array(); foreach ($this->_namedTargets as $name => $destination) { $destArrayItems[] = new Zend_Pdf_Element_String($name);
if ($destination instanceof Zend_Pdf_Target) { $destArrayItems[] = $destination->getResource(); } else { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('PDF named destinations must be a Zend_Pdf_Target object.'); } } $destArray = $this->_objFactory->newObject(new Zend_Pdf_Element_Array($destArrayItems));
$DestTree = $this->_objFactory->newObject(new Zend_Pdf_Element_Dictionary()); $DestTree->Names = $destArray;
$root = $this->_trailer->Root;
if ($root->Names === null) { $root->touch(); $root->Names = $this->_objFactory->newObject(new Zend_Pdf_Element_Dictionary()); } else { $root->Names->touch(); } $root->Names->Dests = $DestTree; }
/** * Dump outlines recursively */ protected function _dumpOutlines() { $root = $this->_trailer->Root;
if ($root->Outlines === null) { if (count($this->outlines) == 0) { return; } else { $root->Outlines = $this->_objFactory->newObject(new Zend_Pdf_Element_Dictionary()); $root->Outlines->Type = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Name('Outlines'); $updateOutlinesNavigation = true; } } else { $updateOutlinesNavigation = false; if (count($this->_originalOutlines) != count($this->outlines)) { // If original and current outlines arrays have different size then outlines list was updated
$updateOutlinesNavigation = true; } else if ( !(array_keys($this->_originalOutlines) === array_keys($this->outlines)) ) { // If original and current outlines arrays have different keys (with a glance to an order) then outlines list was updated
$updateOutlinesNavigation = true; } else { foreach ($this->outlines as $key => $outline) { if ($this->_originalOutlines[$key] !== $outline) { $updateOutlinesNavigation = true; } } } }
$lastOutline = null; $openOutlinesCount = 0; if ($updateOutlinesNavigation) { $root->Outlines->touch(); $root->Outlines->First = null;
foreach ($this->outlines as $outline) { if ($lastOutline === null) { // First pass. Update Outlines dictionary First entry using corresponding value
$lastOutline = $outline->dumpOutline($this->_objFactory, $updateOutlinesNavigation, $root->Outlines); $root->Outlines->First = $lastOutline; } else { // Update previous outline dictionary Next entry (Prev is updated within dumpOutline() method)
$currentOutlineDictionary = $outline->dumpOutline($this->_objFactory, $updateOutlinesNavigation, $root->Outlines, $lastOutline); $lastOutline->Next = $currentOutlineDictionary; $lastOutline = $currentOutlineDictionary; } $openOutlinesCount += $outline->openOutlinesCount(); }
$root->Outlines->Last = $lastOutline; } else { foreach ($this->outlines as $outline) { $lastOutline = $outline->dumpOutline($this->_objFactory, $updateOutlinesNavigation, $root->Outlines, $lastOutline); $openOutlinesCount += $outline->openOutlinesCount(); } }
if ($openOutlinesCount != $this->_originalOpenOutlinesCount) { $root->Outlines->touch; $root->Outlines->Count = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Numeric($openOutlinesCount); } }
/** * Create page object, attached to the PDF document. * Method signatures: * * 1. Create new page with a specified pagesize. * If $factory is null then it will be created and page must be attached to the document to be * included into output. * --------------------------------------------------------- * new Zend_Pdf_Page(string $pagesize); * --------------------------------------------------------- * * 2. Create new page with a specified pagesize (in default user space units). * If $factory is null then it will be created and page must be attached to the document to be * included into output. * --------------------------------------------------------- * new Zend_Pdf_Page(numeric $width, numeric $height); * --------------------------------------------------------- * * @param mixed $param1 * @param mixed $param2 * @return Zend_Pdf_Page */ public function newPage($param1, $param2 = null) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Page.php';
if ($param2 === null) { return new Zend_Pdf_Page($param1, $this->_objFactory); } else { return new Zend_Pdf_Page($param1, $param2, $this->_objFactory); } }
/** * Return the document-level Metadata * or null Metadata stream is not presented * * @return string */ public function getMetadata() { if ($this->_trailer->Root->Metadata !== null) { return $this->_trailer->Root->Metadata->value; } else { return null; } }
/** * Sets the document-level Metadata (mast be valid XMP document) * * @param string $metadata */ public function setMetadata($metadata) { $metadataObject = $this->_objFactory->newStreamObject($metadata); $metadataObject->dictionary->Type = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Name('Metadata'); $metadataObject->dictionary->Subtype = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Name('XML');
$this->_trailer->Root->Metadata = $metadataObject; $this->_trailer->Root->touch(); }
/** * Return the document-level JavaScript * or null if there is no JavaScript for this document * * @return string */ public function getJavaScript() { return $this->_javaScript; }
/** * Get open Action * Returns Zend_Pdf_Target (Zend_Pdf_Destination or Zend_Pdf_Action object) * * @return Zend_Pdf_Target */ public function getOpenAction() { if ($this->_trailer->Root->OpenAction !== null) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Target.php';
return Zend_Pdf_Target::load($this->_trailer->Root->OpenAction); } else { return null; } }
/** * Set open Action which is actually Zend_Pdf_Destination or Zend_Pdf_Action object * * @param Zend_Pdf_Target $openAction * @returns Zend_Pdf */ public function setOpenAction(Zend_Pdf_Target $openAction = null) { $root = $this->_trailer->Root; $root->touch();
if ($openAction === null) { $root->OpenAction = null; } else { $root->OpenAction = $openAction->getResource();
if ($openAction instanceof Zend_Pdf_Action) { $openAction->dumpAction($this->_objFactory); } }
return $this; }
/** * Return an associative array containing all the named destinations (or GoTo actions) in the PDF. * Named targets can be used to reference from outside * the PDF, ex: 'http://www.something.com/mydocument.pdf#MyAction' * * @return array */ public function getNamedDestinations() { return $this->_namedTargets; }
/** * Return specified named destination * * @param string $name * @return Zend_Pdf_Destination_Explicit|Zend_Pdf_Action_GoTo */ public function getNamedDestination($name) { if (isset($this->_namedTargets[$name])) { return $this->_namedTargets[$name]; } else { return null; } }
/** * Set specified named destination * * @param string $name * @param Zend_Pdf_Destination_Explicit|Zend_Pdf_Action_GoTo $target */ public function setNamedDestination($name, $destination = null) { if ($destination !== null && !$destination instanceof Zend_Pdf_Action_GoTo && !$destination instanceof Zend_Pdf_Destination_Explicit) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('PDF named destination must refer an explicit destination or a GoTo PDF action.'); }
if ($destination !== null) { $this->_namedTargets[$name] = $destination; } else { unset($this->_namedTargets[$name]); } }
/** * Pages collection hash: * <page dictionary object hash id> => Zend_Pdf_Page * * @var SplObjectStorage */ protected $_pageReferences = null;
/** * Pages collection hash: * <page number> => Zend_Pdf_Page * * @var array */ protected $_pageNumbers = null;
/** * Refresh page collection hashes * * @return Zend_Pdf */ protected function _refreshPagesHash() { $this->_pageReferences = array(); $this->_pageNumbers = array(); $count = 1; foreach ($this->pages as $page) { $pageDictionaryHashId = spl_object_hash($page->getPageDictionary()->getObject()); $this->_pageReferences[$pageDictionaryHashId] = $page; $this->_pageNumbers[$count++] = $page; }
return $this; }
/** * Resolve destination. * * Returns Zend_Pdf_Page page object or null if destination is not found within PDF document. * * @param Zend_Pdf_Destination $destination Destination to resolve * @param boolean $refreshPagesHash Refresh page collection hashes before processing * @return Zend_Pdf_Page|null * @throws Zend_Pdf_Exception */ public function resolveDestination(Zend_Pdf_Destination $destination, $refreshPageCollectionHashes = true) { if ($this->_pageReferences === null || $refreshPageCollectionHashes) { $this->_refreshPagesHash(); }
if ($destination instanceof Zend_Pdf_Destination_Named) { if (!isset($this->_namedTargets[$destination->getName()])) { return null; } $destination = $this->getNamedDestination($destination->getName());
if ($destination instanceof Zend_Pdf_Action) { if (!$destination instanceof Zend_Pdf_Action_GoTo) { return null; } $destination = $destination->getDestination(); }
if (!$destination instanceof Zend_Pdf_Destination_Explicit) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('Named destination target has to be an explicit destination.'); } }
// Named target is an explicit destination
$pageElement = $destination->getResource()->items[0];
if ($pageElement->getType() == Zend_Pdf_Element::TYPE_NUMERIC) { // Page reference is a PDF number
if (!isset($this->_pageNumbers[$pageElement->value])) { return null; }
return $this->_pageNumbers[$pageElement->value]; }
// Page reference is a PDF page dictionary reference
$pageDictionaryHashId = spl_object_hash($pageElement->getObject()); if (!isset($this->_pageReferences[$pageDictionaryHashId])) { return null; } return $this->_pageReferences[$pageDictionaryHashId]; }
/** * Walk through action and its chained actions tree and remove nodes * if they are GoTo actions with an unresolved target. * * Returns null if root node is deleted or updated action overwise. * * @todo Give appropriate name and make method public * * @param Zend_Pdf_Action $action * @param boolean $refreshPagesHash Refresh page collection hashes before processing * @return Zend_Pdf_Action|null */ protected function _cleanUpAction(Zend_Pdf_Action $action, $refreshPageCollectionHashes = true) { if ($this->_pageReferences === null || $refreshPageCollectionHashes) { $this->_refreshPagesHash(); }
// Named target is an action
if ($action instanceof Zend_Pdf_Action_GoTo && $this->resolveDestination($action->getDestination(), false) === null) { // Action itself is a GoTo action with an unresolved destination
return null; }
// Walk through child actions
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($action, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
$actionsToClean = array(); $deletionCandidateKeys = array(); foreach ($iterator as $chainedAction) { if ($chainedAction instanceof Zend_Pdf_Action_GoTo && $this->resolveDestination($chainedAction->getDestination(), false) === null) { // Some child action is a GoTo action with an unresolved destination
// Mark it as a candidate for deletion
$actionsToClean[] = $iterator->getSubIterator(); $deletionCandidateKeys[] = $iterator->getSubIterator()->key(); } } foreach ($actionsToClean as $id => $action) { unset($action->next[$deletionCandidateKeys[$id]]); }
return $action; }
/** * Extract fonts attached to the document * * returns array of Zend_Pdf_Resource_Font_Extracted objects * * @return array * @throws Zend_Pdf_Exception */ public function extractFonts() { $fontResourcesUnique = array(); foreach ($this->pages as $page) { $pageResources = $page->extractResources();
if ($pageResources->Font === null) { // Page doesn't contain have any font reference
continue; }
$fontResources = $pageResources->Font;
foreach ($fontResources->getKeys() as $fontResourceName) { $fontDictionary = $fontResources->$fontResourceName;
if (! ($fontDictionary instanceof Zend_Pdf_Element_Reference || $fontDictionary instanceof Zend_Pdf_Element_Object) ) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('Font dictionary has to be an indirect object or object reference.'); }
$fontResourcesUnique[spl_object_hash($fontDictionary->getObject())] = $fontDictionary; } }
$fonts = array(); // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
foreach ($fontResourcesUnique as $resourceId => $fontDictionary) { try { // Try to extract font
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Resource/Font/Extracted.php';
$extractedFont = new Zend_Pdf_Resource_Font_Extracted($fontDictionary);
$fonts[$resourceId] = $extractedFont; } catch (Zend_Pdf_Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() != 'Unsupported font type.') { throw $e; } } }
return $fonts; }
/** * Extract font attached to the page by specific font name * * $fontName should be specified in UTF-8 encoding * * @return Zend_Pdf_Resource_Font_Extracted|null * @throws Zend_Pdf_Exception */ public function extractFont($fontName) { $fontResourcesUnique = array(); // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
foreach ($this->pages as $page) { $pageResources = $page->extractResources();
if ($pageResources->Font === null) { // Page doesn't contain have any font reference
continue; }
$fontResources = $pageResources->Font;
foreach ($fontResources->getKeys() as $fontResourceName) { $fontDictionary = $fontResources->$fontResourceName;
if (! ($fontDictionary instanceof Zend_Pdf_Element_Reference || $fontDictionary instanceof Zend_Pdf_Element_Object) ) { // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('Font dictionary has to be an indirect object or object reference.'); }
$resourceId = spl_object_hash($fontDictionary->getObject()); if (isset($fontResourcesUnique[$resourceId])) { continue; } else { // Mark resource as processed
$fontResourcesUnique[$resourceId] = 1; }
if ($fontDictionary->BaseFont->value != $fontName) { continue; }
try { // Try to extract font
// require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Resource/Font/Extracted.php';
return new Zend_Pdf_Resource_Font_Extracted($fontDictionary); } catch (Zend_Pdf_Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() != 'Unsupported font type.') { throw $e; } // Continue searhing
} } }
return null; }
/** * Render the completed PDF to a string. * If $newSegmentOnly is true and it's not a new document, * then only appended part of PDF is returned. * * @param boolean $newSegmentOnly * @param resource $outputStream * @return string * @throws Zend_Pdf_Exception */ public function render($newSegmentOnly = false, $outputStream = null) { if ($this->_isNewDocument) { // Drop full document first time even $newSegmentOnly is set to true
$newSegmentOnly = false; $this->_isNewDocument = false; }
// Save document properties if necessary
if ($this->properties != $this->_originalProperties) { $docInfo = $this->_objFactory->newObject(new Zend_Pdf_Element_Dictionary());
foreach ($this->properties as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'Trapped': switch ($value) { case true: $docInfo->$key = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Name('True'); break;
case false: $docInfo->$key = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Name('False'); break;
case null: $docInfo->$key = new Zend_Pdf_Element_Name('Unknown'); break;
default: // require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('Wrong Trapped document property vale: \'' . $value . '\'. Only true, false and null values are allowed.'); break; }
case 'CreationDate': // break intentionally omitted
case 'ModDate': $docInfo->$key = new Zend_Pdf_Element_String((string)$value); break;
case 'Title': // break intentionally omitted
case 'Author': // break intentionally omitted
case 'Subject': // break intentionally omitted
case 'Keywords': // break intentionally omitted
case 'Creator': // break intentionally omitted
case 'Producer': if (extension_loaded('mbstring') === true) { $detected = mb_detect_encoding($value); if ($detected !== 'ASCII') { $value = "\xfe\xff" . mb_convert_encoding($value, 'UTF-16', $detected); } } $docInfo->$key = new Zend_Pdf_Element_String((string)$value); break;
default: // Set property using PDF type based on PHP type
$docInfo->$key = Zend_Pdf_Element::phpToPdf($value); break; } }
$this->_trailer->Info = $docInfo; }
$this->_dumpPages(); $this->_dumpNamedDestinations(); $this->_dumpOutlines();
// Check, that PDF file was modified
// File is always modified by _dumpPages() now, but future implementations may eliminate this.
if (!$this->_objFactory->isModified()) { if ($newSegmentOnly) { // Do nothing, return
return ''; }
if ($outputStream === null) { return $this->_trailer->getPDFString(); } else { $pdfData = $this->_trailer->getPDFString(); while ( strlen($pdfData) > 0 && ($byteCount = fwrite($outputStream, $pdfData)) != false ) { $pdfData = substr($pdfData, $byteCount); }
return ''; } }
// offset (from a start of PDF file) of new PDF file segment
$offset = $this->_trailer->getPDFLength(); // Last Object number in a list of free objects
$lastFreeObject = $this->_trailer->getLastFreeObject();
// Array of cross-reference table subsections
$xrefTable = array(); // Object numbers of first objects in each subsection
$xrefSectionStartNums = array();
// Last cross-reference table subsection
$xrefSection = array(); // Dummy initialization of the first element (specail case - header of linked list of free objects).
$xrefSection[] = 0; $xrefSectionStartNums[] = 0; // Object number of last processed PDF object.
// Used to manage cross-reference subsections.
// Initialized by zero (specail case - header of linked list of free objects).
$lastObjNum = 0;
if ($outputStream !== null) { if (!$newSegmentOnly) { $pdfData = $this->_trailer->getPDFString(); while ( strlen($pdfData) > 0 && ($byteCount = fwrite($outputStream, $pdfData)) != false ) { $pdfData = substr($pdfData, $byteCount); } } } else { $pdfSegmentBlocks = ($newSegmentOnly) ? array() : array($this->_trailer->getPDFString()); }
// Iterate objects to create new reference table
foreach ($this->_objFactory->listModifiedObjects() as $updateInfo) { $objNum = $updateInfo->getObjNum();
if ($objNum - $lastObjNum != 1) { // Save cross-reference table subsection and start new one
$xrefTable[] = $xrefSection; $xrefSection = array(); $xrefSectionStartNums[] = $objNum; }
if ($updateInfo->isFree()) { // Free object cross-reference table entry
$xrefSection[] = sprintf("%010d %05d f \n", $lastFreeObject, $updateInfo->getGenNum()); $lastFreeObject = $objNum; } else { // In-use object cross-reference table entry
$xrefSection[] = sprintf("%010d %05d n \n", $offset, $updateInfo->getGenNum());
$pdfBlock = $updateInfo->getObjectDump(); $offset += strlen($pdfBlock);
if ($outputStream === null) { $pdfSegmentBlocks[] = $pdfBlock; } else { while ( strlen($pdfBlock) > 0 && ($byteCount = fwrite($outputStream, $pdfBlock)) != false ) { $pdfBlock = substr($pdfBlock, $byteCount); } } } $lastObjNum = $objNum; } // Save last cross-reference table subsection
$xrefTable[] = $xrefSection;
// Modify first entry (specail case - header of linked list of free objects).
$xrefTable[0][0] = sprintf("%010d 65535 f \n", $lastFreeObject);
$xrefTableStr = "xref\n"; foreach ($xrefTable as $sectId => $xrefSection) { $xrefTableStr .= sprintf("%d %d \n", $xrefSectionStartNums[$sectId], count($xrefSection)); foreach ($xrefSection as $xrefTableEntry) { $xrefTableStr .= $xrefTableEntry; } }
$this->_trailer->Size->value = $this->_objFactory->getObjectCount();
$pdfBlock = $xrefTableStr . $this->_trailer->toString() . "startxref\n" . $offset . "\n" . "%%EOF\n";
if ($outputStream === null) { $pdfSegmentBlocks[] = $pdfBlock;
return implode('', $pdfSegmentBlocks); } else { while ( strlen($pdfBlock) > 0 && ($byteCount = fwrite($outputStream, $pdfBlock)) != false ) { $pdfBlock = substr($pdfBlock, $byteCount); }
return ''; } }
/** * Set the document-level JavaScript * * @param string $javascript */ public function setJavaScript($javascript) { $this->_javaScript = $javascript; }
/** * Convert date to PDF format (it's close to ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation * One) defined in ISO/IEC 8824). * * @todo This really isn't the best location for this method. It should * probably actually exist as Zend_Pdf_Element_Date or something like that. * * @todo Address the following E_STRICT issue: * PHP Strict Standards: date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's * timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ * environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In * case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this * warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. * * @param integer $timestamp (optional) If omitted, uses the current time. * @return string */ public static function pdfDate($timestamp = null) { if ($timestamp === null) { $date = date('\D\:YmdHisO'); } else { $date = date('\D\:YmdHisO', $timestamp); } return substr_replace($date, '\'', -2, 0) . '\''; }