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Add documention on how to use the FuzzySearchUnicodeDriver

Tom Lingham 8 years ago
  1. 18


@ -131,6 +131,24 @@ $users = collect(array_map(function($result) {
All this does is map a function over the Searchy results and then creates a new instance of the User model and hydrates the model using the `fill()` method.
Then once it has an array of all the Eloquent User models, it simply uses the Laravel `collect()` method to return the array as Laravel Collection which is the same as you would receive from querying the Laravel model directly. `get_object_vars()` is simply a PHP method to extract the accessible object variables as an associative array.
## Unicode Characters Support
If you are having issues with the returned results because you have unicode characters in your search data, you can use the `FuzzySearchUnicodeDriver`.
*PLEASE NOTE: There is no sanitization of strings passed through to the `FuzzySearchUnicodeDriver` prior to inserting into raw MySQL statements. You will have to sanitize the string yourself first or risk opening up your application to SQL injection attacks. You have been warned.*
To use, first follow the instructions to publish your configuration file (`php artisan vendor:publish`) and change your default driver from `fuzzy` to `ufuzzy`.
return [
'default' => 'ufuzzy',
## Configuration
You can publish the configuration file to your `app` directory and override the settings by running `php artisan vendor:publish` to copy the configuration to your config folder as `searchy.php`
