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Merge branch 'master' into next

Lloyd Brookes 9 years ago
  1. 59
  2. 12
  3. 4
  4. 43
  5. 2


@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ For the examples below, we assume we're in a project directory looking like this
└── package.json
All paths/routes are specified using [express syntax](
All paths/routes are specified using [express syntax]( To run the example projects linked below, clone the project, move into the example directory specified, run `ws`.
### Static site
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ $ ws
serving at http://localhost:8000
### Single Page Application
You're building a web app with client-side routing, so mark `index.html` as the SPA.
@ -41,6 +43,8 @@ By default, typical SPA urls (e.g. `/user/1`, `/login`) would return `404 Not Fo
*If a static file at the requested path exists (e.g. `/css/style.css`) then serve it, if it does not (e.g. `/login`) then serve the specified SPA and handle the route client-side.*
### Access Control
By default, access to all files is allowed (including dot files). Use `--forbid` to establish a blacklist:
@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ $ ws --forbid '*.json' '*.yml'
serving at http://localhost:8000
### URL rewriting
Your application requested `/css/style.css` but it's stored at `/build/css/style.css`. To avoid a 404 you need a rewrite rule:
@ -86,6 +92,8 @@ Map local requests for repo data to the Github API:
$ ws --rewrite '/:user/repos/:name ->'
### Stored config
Use the same port and blacklist every time? Persist it to `package.json`:
@ -160,6 +168,8 @@ You can set additional mime-type/extension mappings, or override the defaults by
#### Log Visualisation
Instructions for how to visualise log output using goaccess, logstalgia or gltail [here](
@ -210,26 +220,61 @@ serving at http://localhost:8100
## API Reference
* [local-web-server](#module_local-web-server)
* [localWebServer([options])](#exp_module_local-web-server--localWebServer) ⇒ <code>[KoaApplication](</code>
* [~rewriteRule](#module_local-web-server--localWebServer..rewriteRule)
<a name="exp_module_local-web-server--localWebServer"></a>
### localWebServer([options]) ⏏
Returns a Koa application
### localWebServer([options]) <code>[KoaApplication](</code>
Returns a Koa application you can launch or mix into an existing app.
**Kind**: Exported function
- [options] <code>object</code> - options
- [.static] <code>object</code> - koajs/static config
- [.static] <code>object</code> - koa-static config
- [.root] <code>string</code> - root directory
- [.options] <code>string</code> - options
- [.options] <code>string</code> - [options](
- [.serveIndex] <code>object</code> - koa-serve-index config
- [.path] <code>string</code> - root directory
- [.options] <code>string</code> - options
- [.forbid] <code>Array.&lt;string&gt;</code> - a list of forbidden routes.
- [.options] <code>string</code> - [options](
- [.forbid] <code>Array.&lt;string&gt;</code> - A list of forbidden routes, each route being an [express route-path](
- [.spa] <code>string</code> - specify an SPA file to catch requests for everything but static assets.
- [.log] <code>object</code> - [morgan]( config
- [.format] <code>string</code> - [log format](
- [.options] <code>object</code> - [options](
- [.compress] <code>boolean</code> - Serve gzip-compressed resources, where applicable
- [.mime] <code>object</code> - A list of mime-type overrides, passed directly to [mime.define()](
- [.rewrite] <code>[Array.&lt;rewriteRule&gt;](#module_local-web-server--localWebServer..rewriteRule)</code> - One or more rewrite rules
- [.verbose] <code>boolean</code> - Print detailed output, useful for debugging
const localWebServer = require('local-web-server')
<a name="module_local-web-server--localWebServer..rewriteRule"></a>
#### localWebServer~rewriteRule
The `from` and `to` routes are specified using [express route-paths](
**Kind**: inner typedef of <code>[localWebServer](#exp_module_local-web-server--localWebServer)</code>
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| from | <code>string</code> | request route |
| to | <code>string</code> | target route |
"rewrite": [
{ "from": "/css/*", "to": "/build/styles/$1" },
{ "from": "/npm/*", "to": "$1" },
{ "from": "/:user/repos/:name", "to": "" }
* * *


@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ For the examples below, we assume we're in a project directory looking like this
└── package.json
All paths/routes are specified using [express syntax](
All paths/routes are specified using [express syntax]( To run the example projects linked below, clone the project, move into the example directory specified, run `ws`.
### Static site
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ $ ws
serving at http://localhost:8000
### Single Page Application
You're building a web app with client-side routing, so mark `index.html` as the SPA.
@ -41,6 +43,8 @@ By default, typical SPA urls (e.g. `/user/1`, `/login`) would return `404 Not Fo
*If a static file at the requested path exists (e.g. `/css/style.css`) then serve it, if it does not (e.g. `/login`) then serve the specified SPA and handle the route client-side.*
### Access Control
By default, access to all files is allowed (including dot files). Use `--forbid` to establish a blacklist:
@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ $ ws --forbid '*.json' '*.yml'
serving at http://localhost:8000
### URL rewriting
Your application requested `/css/style.css` but it's stored at `/build/css/style.css`. To avoid a 404 you need a rewrite rule:
@ -86,6 +92,8 @@ Map local requests for repo data to the Github API:
$ ws --rewrite '/:user/repos/:name ->'
### Stored config
Use the same port and blacklist every time? Persist it to `package.json`:
@ -160,6 +168,8 @@ You can set additional mime-type/extension mappings, or override the defaults by
#### Log Visualisation
Instructions for how to visualise log output using goaccess, logstalgia or gltail [here](


@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module.exports = {
name: 'compress', alias: 'c', type: Boolean,
description: 'Enable gzip compression, reduces bandwidth.', group: 'server'
description: 'Serve gzip-compressed resources, where applicable', group: 'server'
name: 'forbid', alias: 'b', type: String, multiple: true, typeLabel: '[underline]{path} ...',
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module.exports = {
name: 'rewrite', alias: 'r', type: String, multiple: true, typeLabel: '[underline]{expression} ...',
description: "A list of URL rewrite rules, e.g. '/from -> /to'", group: 'server'
description: "A list of URL rewrite rules. For each rule, separate the 'from' and 'to' routes with '->'. Whitespace surrounded the routes is ignored. E.g. '/from -> /to'", group: 'server'
name: 'spa', alias: 's', type: String, typeLabel: '[underline]{file}',


@ -11,18 +11,27 @@ let debug
module.exports = localWebServer
* Returns a Koa application
* Returns a Koa application you can launch or mix into an existing app.
* @param [options] {object} - options
* @param [options.static] {object} - koajs/static config
* @param [options.static] {object} - koa-static config
* @param [options.static.root] {string} - root directory
* @param [options.static.options] {string} - options
* @param [options.static.options] {string} - [options](
* @param [options.serveIndex] {object} - koa-serve-index config
* @param [options.serveIndex.path] {string} - root directory
* @param [options.serveIndex.options] {string} - options
* @param [options.forbid] {string[]} - a list of forbidden routes.
* @param [options.serveIndex.options] {string} - [options](
* @param [options.forbid] {string[]} - A list of forbidden routes, each route being an [express route-path](
* @param [] {string} - specify an SPA file to catch requests for everything but static assets.
* @param [options.log] {object} - [morgan]( config
* @param [options.log.format] {string} - [log format](
* @param [options.log.options] {object} - [options](
* @param [options.compress] {boolean} - Serve gzip-compressed resources, where applicable
* @param [options.mime] {object} - A list of mime-type overrides, passed directly to [mime.define()](
* @param [options.rewrite] {module:local-web-server~rewriteRule[]} - One or more rewrite rules
* @param [options.verbose] {boolean} - Print detailed output, useful for debugging
* @alias module:local-web-server
* @return {external:KoaApplication}
* @example
* const localWebServer = require('local-web-server')
* localWebServer().listen(8000)
@ -244,3 +253,27 @@ function mockResponses (options) {
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => {
throw reason
* The `from` and `to` routes are specified using [express route-paths](
* @example
* ```json
* {
* "rewrite": [
* { "from": "/css/*", "to": "/build/styles/$1" },
* { "from": "/npm/*", "to": "$1" },
* { "from": "/:user/repos/:name", "to": "" }
* ]
* }
* ```
* @typedef rewriteRule
* @property from {string} - request route
* @property to {string} - target route
* @external KoaApplication
* @see


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "local-web-server",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha.3",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha.4",
"description": "A simple web-server for productive front-end development",
"bin": {
"ws": "./bin/cli.js"
