@ -14,65 +14,79 @@ const flatten = require('reduce-flatten')
const cli = commandLineArgs ( cliOptions . definitions )
const usage = cli . getUsage ( cliOptions . usageData )
const stored = loadConfig ( 'local-web-server' )
const options = collectOptions ( )
let options
let isHttps = false
if ( options . misc . help ) stop ( usage , 0 )
if ( options . misc . config ) stop ( JSON . stringify ( options . server , null , ' ' ) , 0 )
try {
options = collectOptions ( )
} catch ( err ) {
stop ( [ ` [red]{Error}: ${ err . message } ` , usage ] , 1 )
validateOptions ( options )
if ( options . misc . help ) {
stop ( usage , 0 )
} else if ( options . misc . config ) {
stop ( JSON . stringify ( options . server , null , ' ' ) , 0 )
} else {
const valid = validateOptions ( options )
if ( ! valid ) {
/* gracefully end the process */
const app = localWebServer ( {
static : {
root : options . server . directory ,
options : {
hidden : true
} ,
serveIndex : {
path : options . server . directory ,
options : {
icons : true ,
hidden : true
} ,
log : {
format : options . server [ 'log-format' ]
} ,
compress : options . server . compress ,
mime : options . server . mime ,
forbid : options . server . forbid ,
spa : options . server . spa ,
'no-cache' : options . server [ 'no-cache' ] ,
rewrite : options . server . rewrite ,
verbose : options . server . verbose ,
mocks : options . server . mocks
} )
if ( options . server . https ) {
options . server . key = path . resolve ( __dirname , '..' , 'ssl' , '' )
options . server . cert = path . resolve ( __dirname , '..' , 'ssl' , '' )
const app = localWebServer ( {
static : {
root : options . server . directory ,
options : {
hidden : true
} ,
serveIndex : {
path : options . server . directory ,
options : {
icons : true ,
hidden : true
} ,
log : {
format : options . server [ 'log-format' ]
} ,
compress : options . server . compress ,
mime : options . server . mime ,
forbid : options . server . forbid ,
spa : options . server . spa ,
'no-cache' : options . server [ 'no-cache' ] ,
rewrite : options . server . rewrite ,
verbose : options . server . verbose ,
mocks : options . server . mocks
} )
let isHttps = false
if ( options . server . key && options . server . cert ) {
const https = require ( 'https' )
const fs = require ( 'fs' )
isHttps = true
const serverOptions = {
key : fs . readFileSync ( options . server . key ) ,
cert : fs . readFileSync ( options . server . cert )
if ( options . server . https ) {
options . server . key = path . resolve ( __dirname , '..' , 'ssl' , '' )
options . server . cert = path . resolve ( __dirname , '..' , 'ssl' , '' )
const server = https . createServer ( serverOptions , app . callback ( ) )
server . listen ( options . server . port , onServerUp )
} else {
app . listen ( options . server . port , onServerUp )
if ( options . server . key && options . server . cert ) {
const https = require ( 'https' )
const fs = require ( 'fs' )
isHttps = true
const serverOptions = {
key : fs . readFileSync ( options . server . key ) ,
cert : fs . readFileSync ( options . server . cert )
const server = https . createServer ( serverOptions , app . callback ( ) )
server . listen ( options . server . port , onServerUp )
} else {
app . listen ( options . server . port , onServerUp )
function stop ( msgs , exitCode ) {
arrayify ( msgs ) . forEach ( msg => console . error ( ansi . format ( msg ) ) )
process . exit ( exitCode )
process . exitCode = exitCode
function onServerUp ( ) {
@ -96,11 +110,7 @@ function collectOptions () {
let options = { }
/* parse command line args */
try {
options = cli . parse ( )
} catch ( err ) {
stop ( [ ` [red]{Error}: ${ err . message } ` , usage ] , 1 )
options = cli . parse ( )
const builtIn = {
port : 8000 ,
@ -129,10 +139,14 @@ function parseRewriteRules (rules) {
function validateOptions ( options ) {
let valid = true
function invalid ( msg ) {
return ` [red underline]{Invalid:} [bold]{ ${ msg } } `
if ( ! t . isNumber ( options . server . port ) ) {
stop ( [ invalid ( ` --port must be numeric [value= ${ options . server . port } ] ` ) , usage ] , 1 )
stop ( [ invalid ( ` --port must be numeric ` ) , usage ] , 1 )
valid = false
return valid