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dimti eaf3ef3806 * do not use sudo for attach tmux session on logged in non-privileged users 3 weeks ago
.config * cmd duration in starship config moved right after directory name 8 months ago
.vim/undodir * initial commit - dotfiles based on DoomHammer 1 year ago
.bash_aliases - remove vim->nvim alias 1 year ago
.bash_logout * initial commit - dotfiles based on DoomHammer 1 year ago
.bash_profile * initial commit - dotfiles based on DoomHammer 1 year ago
.bashrc * do not use sudo for attach tmux session on logged in non-privileged users 3 weeks ago
.dircolors * initial commit - dotfiles based on DoomHammer 1 year ago
.gitconfig * initial commit - dotfiles based on DoomHammer 1 year ago
.gitignore * initial commit - dotfiles based on DoomHammer 1 year ago
.gitignore_global * initial commit - dotfiles based on DoomHammer 1 year ago
.gitmessage * initial commit - dotfiles based on DoomHammer 1 year ago
.profile * initial commit - dotfiles based on DoomHammer 1 year ago
.shell-aliases * initial commit - dotfiles based on DoomHammer 1 year ago
.shell-common * initial commit - dotfiles based on DoomHammer 1 year ago
.shell-env * revert auto tmux attach logic for only if TMUX is empty and if SSH_CONNECTION is active 8 months ago
.shell-logout * initial commit - dotfiles based on DoomHammer 1 year ago
.tmux.2.8.conf * revert auto tmux attach logic for only if TMUX is empty and if SSH_CONNECTION is active 8 months ago
.tmux.conf * temporary disable page-(up|down) keys for automatic turned on tmux scrolling, because that incorrectly working on some cases 3 months ago
.tmux.light.conf * turn off F12 key prefix control from lighten tmux config 3 months ago
.vimrc * separate vimrc-full with own simple and lighten vimrc config 1 year ago
.vimrc-full * separate vimrc-full with own simple and lighten vimrc config 1 year ago * correct nix initialization path 1 year ago

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