# Shortcodes for October CMS Adds the ability to use shortcodes within October CMS ### Add new shortcodes Add the shortcode in the `boot` function of a plugin. Then, use the provided facade to add new shortcodes in your own plugins: \Shortcode::add('code', function(ShortcodeInterface $s) { $text = "

Shortcode Name: {$s->getName()}

"; $text .= "

Shortcode Parameter: {$s->getParameter('param', 'Not Found')}

"; $text .= "

Shortcode Content: {$s->getContent()}

"; return $text; }); The above registration would enable the following shortcode to be used: [code param="Parameter Value"] Inside Content [/code] ### Use the shortcode within a page or blog post: The usual shortcode syntax is supported via the [Thunderer\Shortcode](https://github.com/thunderer/Shortcode) project. [code] [code argument="value"] [code novalue argument=simple other="complex value"] [code]content[/code] [code argument="value"]content[/code] ### Enable shortcodes on all pages To enable shortcodes on all page rendering, go to **Shortcode Settings** in the admin settings panel and check "Enable Shortcodes on all page rendering". ### Using filters and functions If you don't want to enable shortcodes on all page rendering, you can use the built-in filter or function. To use the `shortcode` filter within a blog post or page, add the `shortcode` filter before any `raw` filtering.
{{ post.content_html|shortcode|raw }}
To use the `shortcode` function within a layout and against the October CMS `page` tag, change the `page` tag from a token to a function: {% page %} Becomes: {{ shortcode(page()) }} -- or -- {{ page()|shortcode }} ### Strip Shortcodes You can strip shortcodes from text using the `Shortcode::strip` function. For example, when using with the `Sensory5\BlogExtension` plugin, you can strip shortcodes from the summary using the following code: Event::listen('sensory5.blog.summary', function($content) { return Str::limit(Html::strip(\Shortcode::strip($content)), 600); });