#!/bin/bash export DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" CONFIG_FILE=$DIR/config.sh [[ ! -r "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]] && { echo "Could not read ${CONFIG_FILE}!"; exit 1; } set -a . "${CONFIG_FILE}" set +a echo "Started activation of master-to-master replication" >> $log_file echo "Stop remote slave" >> $log_file mysql --defaults-extra-file=./.remote.my.cnf -e "STOP SLAVE;" echo "Execute command on local server with push local binlog position to remote server" >> $log_file LOCAL_SQL= for i in ${databases[@]} do LOCAL_SQL=LOCAL_SQL' USE '$i'; FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK;' done LOCAL_SQL=LOCAL_SQL' system ./_activate-master-to-master.sh;' for i in ${databases[@]} do LOCAL_SQL=LOCAL_SQL' USE '$i'; UNLOCK TABLES;' done mysql --defaults-extra-file=./.my.cnf -e "$REMOTE_SQL" echo "Start remote slave" >> $log_file mysql --defaults-extra-file=./.remote.my.cnf -e "START SLAVE;"