<?php namespace Majestic; /** * @copyright NetMonsters <team@netmonsters.ru> * @link http://netmonsters.ru * @package Majestic * @subpackage Load * @since 2010-02-24 */ class Load { static protected $file; static protected $autoload; static protected $exclude = array(); static protected $builder = null; /** * @var \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader */ static protected $class_loader; static public function setClassLoader($class_loader) { self::$class_loader = $class_loader; } /** * Add exclude path for autoload. Should be called before setAutoloadFrom * @static * @param array $exclude list of relative path (from project root) * @return void */ static public function setExclude($exclude = array()) { if (!is_array($exclude)) { $exclude = array($exclude); } self::$exclude = array_merge(self::$exclude, $exclude); } static public function setAutoloadFrom($file) { self::$file = $file; if (!file_exists(self::$file)) { self::buildAutoload(); } self::$autoload = require(self::$file); spl_autoload_register(array( __CLASS__, 'autoload')); } static public function autoload($class) { if (isset(self::$autoload[$class])) { require(PATH . self::$autoload[$class]); return; } if (Config::get('DEBUG')) { if (!isset(self::$autoload[$class])) { self::buildAutoload(); } if (isset(self::$autoload[$class])) { require(PATH . self::$autoload[$class]); } } } static public function getFilePath($class) { if (self::$class_loader) { return self::$class_loader->findFile($class); } else { return self::$autoload[$class]; } } static protected function buildAutoload() { ignore_user_abort(true); $dir = dirname(self::$file); if (!file_exists($dir) && !mkdir($dir)) { trigger_error('Can\'t create directory: "' . $dir . '"', E_USER_ERROR); } $scan = array(PATH . '/' . APP . '/src', PATH . '/lib', PATH . '/vendor'); $exclude = array_merge(self::$exclude, array(PATH . '/.git', PATH . '/lib/core/tests', PATH . '/lib/core/.git')); if (!self::$builder) { require_once(PATH . '/lib/core/util/AutoloadBuilder.php'); require_once(PATH . '/lib/core/util/AsciiSortedIterator.php'); self::$builder = new AutoloadBuilder(self::$file, $scan, $exclude); } self::$builder->build(); ignore_user_abort(false); } }