Commit Graph

  • 8efaf2a0a7 Change static to dynamic method getUri. Alexander Demidov 2012-05-25 14:18:05 +0400
  • 73ff07ce7d Add method Router::getUri($route_name = null) - Give me this uri on route_name is null, other another route uri from route_name. Alexander Demidov 2012-05-24 17:30:17 +0400
  • c0fa542b3c removed output buffer(ob_start/ob_end_clean) usasge in MongoDbCommand profile output Anton Grebnev 2012-05-23 18:59:20 +0400
  • df491fdbbd fixed ret value on eval Anton Grebnev 2012-04-13 16:22:52 +0400
  • c090634c19 Merge branch 'master' into mongo Anton Grebnev 2012-04-12 21:02:23 +0400
  • a950ff688f updated MongoStatement to return retval on db.eval Anton Grebnev 2012-04-12 21:01:54 +0400
  • 623666fb09 updated MongoDbCommand Profiler output Anton Grebnev 2012-04-02 15:27:33 +0400
  • f728e6d6a2 updated tests for MongoDbCommand with count command Anton Grebnev 2012-04-02 15:21:58 +0400
  • a1bfcdd78b added count() method to MongoModel Anton Grebnev 2012-04-02 15:21:37 +0400
  • c7dcd33512 Code format, PHPDoc Anton Terekhov 2012-03-22 16:03:55 +0400
  • 755f1b46c7 Fixed packages for some files Anton Terekhov 2012-03-19 18:18:25 +0400
  • 40b3e76c74 modified AutoloadBuilder to atomic write operation Anton Grebnev 2012-03-06 18:47:40 +0400
  • 4d4e338611 Merge branch 'mongo' Anton Grebnev 2012-02-06 18:13:24 +0400
  • e5e7fdb7e6 added MongoStatement method to count results before skip/limit Anton Grebnev 2012-02-06 18:12:23 +0400
  • f58fa2a48a Merge branch 'mongo' Anton Grebnev 2012-01-19 19:21:54 +0400
  • 0140c3f4ad added condition to batchInsert against empty arrays Anton Grebnev 2012-01-19 19:16:31 +0400
  • 99a528fac3 added butchInsert to mongo model Anton Grebnev 2012-01-18 23:30:34 +0400
  • 6b1e3f6a70 reseted a3e0cafb32 commit Anton Grebnev 2011-12-13 13:51:24 +0400
  • 3113095ec2 Merge branch 'mongo' Anton Grebnev 2011-12-13 13:47:05 +0400
  • d1723cb87b improved MongoId processing and $fields to MongoModel::find() Anton Grebnev 2011-12-13 13:43:15 +0400
  • e9ddaa6d92 phpredis has some methods named in lowercase, e.g. zinterstore. Code changed to reflect this Anton Terekhov 2011-12-06 18:40:54 +0400
  • 5dd50d7a1f Merge branch 'mongo' Anton Grebnev 2011-12-06 16:54:12 +0400
  • 2c611dc3db added Mongo group for tests Anton Grebnev 2011-12-06 16:53:16 +0400
  • b9f7718063 added __toString() for MongoDbCommands Anton Grebnev 2011-12-06 16:22:37 +0400
  • 650f311b2b remove expectedException from annotation Anton Grebnev 2011-12-06 16:22:04 +0400
  • 34645282ce Fixed vfsStream to version 0.11.1 (work with both 0.10.1 and 0.11.1) Alexander Letov 2011-12-06 14:41:47 +0400
  • a942745039 two TODO closed for exceptions Anton Grebnev 2011-12-06 14:16:13 +0400
  • 71cc211c4f modified classes for GeneralException thrown Anton Grebnev 2011-12-06 14:05:18 +0400
  • 400d2667df Moved redis stub class from tests to actual place Anton Terekhov 2011-12-06 14:00:55 +0400
  • 674b59bb03 Added Redis stub class for autocompletion Anton Terekhov 2011-12-06 12:44:52 +0400
  • 47b5843ef6 merge mongo with master Anton Grebnev 2011-12-05 20:11:20 +0400
  • 7e2fab5d13 Added cache/face/autoload.php for code coverage ignore, XML formatted Anton Terekhov 2011-12-05 15:01:39 +0400
  • 3c79d05a2e Add association @group from exceptions redis of the tests Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-05 13:35:54 +0400
  • 24c2a97f51 Add association @group from exceptions mysql of the tests Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-05 13:34:49 +0400
  • 1a1ccabcd3 Use assertEquals() Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-02 18:01:21 +0400
  • e9af107907 Сhange the variable type of the string Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-02 17:30:42 +0400
  • 4955014473 Fixed expected value of 3.0 Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-02 17:24:41 +0400
  • 0fdcb87653 Replacement of assertEquals() to assertSame() Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-02 17:22:31 +0400
  • 3a79d203c7 Return annotated @runInSeparateProcess Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-02 17:03:45 +0400
  • d0ed66bc73 Created test suites for Mysql and Redis Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-02 16:04:45 +0400
  • 0fda3de8b5 Moving setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-02 12:25:47 +0400
  • 1f1551aea1 removing setExpectedException() of setUp() Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-02 11:17:13 +0400
  • 64cb6f3f12 Removing annotated @expectedExceptionMessage Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 19:45:15 +0400
  • 417c58d20a Removal of debugging information Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 19:39:40 +0400
  • fb127900e1 Use function is_object() Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 19:36:04 +0400
  • 79c541aa78 Adding the extended messages for exceptions Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 19:33:40 +0400
  • d7bae53911 Correction TODO comments and remove them Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 18:58:15 +0400
  • bafe38ccf0 replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 17:40:31 +0400
  • c6b48f084d Removed expectation exceptions Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 17:39:35 +0400
  • 8cad3720bc Modified exception message Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 17:37:47 +0400
  • 8aba4dc172 added check Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 17:36:20 +0400
  • 66857702b6 replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 17:35:13 +0400
  • c214995796 replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 12:28:45 +0400
  • 71ffa06eaa replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 12:25:27 +0400
  • 9943b6afcf replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 12:17:35 +0400
  • 3e1a5a0b28 replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 12:15:44 +0400
  • 0ade94a5ea replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 12:08:20 +0400
  • b80e0eb7e5 replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 12:04:58 +0400
  • dfa661e2e8 replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 12:03:22 +0400
  • 4b95befdfe replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 12:01:57 +0400
  • 3470e3254f replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 12:00:10 +0400
  • 0b11f62c21 replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 11:57:44 +0400
  • 77f69b033d replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 11:57:05 +0400
  • 9b9dcf42d4 replacement @expectedException to setExpectedException from testInitSetDefaultLangNotInLocales() Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-12-01 11:28:48 +0400
  • ece71411bd added annotation @runInSeparateProcess and removing annotations @expectedException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-30 14:51:15 +0400
  • be0ed430e2 modified password from db Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-30 13:46:46 +0400
  • 69169590da added setExpectedException and check empty($search) Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-30 13:29:48 +0400
  • be83874392 added setExpectedException and check type Config Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-30 13:26:36 +0400
  • b7e71c20b7 added check from input params in method init() Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-28 20:24:20 +0400
  • 0552c15141 replace Exception on GeneralException (Config.php) Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-28 16:41:40 +0400
  • 90146d3924 rename input param from method message Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-28 16:32:05 +0400
  • d370f90a23 Made verbose = true Anton Terekhov 2011-11-28 14:38:40 +0400
  • 4af6dcd7db Run Some test in separate process to avoid autoload problems Anton Terekhov 2011-11-28 14:36:45 +0400
  • 443655064c replace Exception on GeneralException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-25 19:50:41 +0400
  • d4705b1c89 replace Exception on GeneralException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-25 14:59:39 +0400
  • 9e22d8028a replace Exception on GeneralException, InitializationException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-25 14:55:45 +0400
  • acc0c96487 replace Exception GeneralException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-25 14:12:38 +0400
  • b8a02ebeaa replace Exception on GeneralException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-25 13:57:50 +0400
  • 7d215c9af4 replace Exception on GeneralException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-25 13:54:31 +0400
  • 669b68ba4a replace Exception on InitializationException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-24 19:34:02 +0400
  • a02c3992bd added __toString() to MongoCommand - need to implement in subclasses Anton Grebnev 2011-11-24 19:24:05 +0400
  • a3e0cafb32 replaced \r\n with PHP_EOL in CliLogger Anton Grebnev 2011-11-24 19:22:49 +0400
  • 8464c8edac modified Autoloader for folders exclusion Anton Grebnev 2011-11-24 19:22:12 +0400
  • bdae057a8e replace Exception on PHPUnit_Framework_Error Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-24 19:12:53 +0400
  • 25ba2abf54 Replacment Exception() on InitializationException(), GeneralException() in /view Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-24 17:57:40 +0400
  • 82fb239fca replacement Exception() on InitializationException() Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-24 17:02:36 +0400
  • eebb013ecf replacement Exception() on InitializationException() Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-24 16:10:06 +0400
  • 6744eb6c4a create test from InitializationException Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-24 15:33:24 +0400
  • a577e9554e create file with new class exception Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-24 15:23:33 +0400
  • 6e9105cd63 add to .gitignore string: /.idea Vyacheslav Agafonov 2011-11-24 15:16:16 +0400
  • a87845980d added methods to MongoDriver for custom commands, findAndModify, count Anton Grebnev 2011-11-22 16:29:00 +0400
  • 54b991314d removed Model::order() to SqlModel Anton Grebnev 2011-11-22 14:18:42 +0400
  • 8a2e814438 SqlDbDriver::insert - $on_duplicate parameter recovered Anton Grebnev 2011-11-18 13:59:36 +0400
  • d360e7c023 added TODO for class methods Anton Grebnev 2011-11-17 15:48:41 +0400
  • 2f3a0d170f Session class tested and modified for new Model hierarchy Anton Grebnev 2011-11-17 15:13:53 +0400
  • 7094cd5073 MongoModel class tested Anton Grebnev 2011-11-17 15:13:11 +0400
  • 7e8fe0f94d modified model classes with tests Anton Grebnev 2011-11-17 15:12:47 +0400
  • e740ae7000 MongoModel class created Anton Grebnev 2011-11-15 19:19:58 +0400
  • 594ec034f9 added Order, Limit, Skip methods to MongoStatement Anton Grebnev 2011-11-15 19:19:30 +0400
  • 5b5ccb9971 MongoStatement class tested Anton Grebnev 2011-11-15 18:07:01 +0400