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<?php /* * @copyright NetMonsters <> * @link * @package Majestic * @subpackage UnitTests * @since 2011-10-06 * * Unit tests for CliLogger class */
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../Registry.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../Config.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../exception/GeneralException.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../logger/Logger.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../logger/FileLogger.php'; require_once 'vfsStream/vfsStream.php';
class FileLoggerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
protected $conf; public function run(PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult $result = NULL) { $this->setPreserveGlobalState(false); return parent::run($result); }
public function setUp() { vfsStreamWrapper::register(); vfsStream::setup(); $root = vfsStream::create(array()); vfsStreamWrapper::setRoot($root); Config::set('LOGGING', 1); $this->conf = array('logger' => 'FileLogger', 'filepath' => vfsStream::url('root/log.txt')); Config::set('Logger', $this->conf); if ($root->hasChild('log.txt')) { $root->removeChild('log.txt'); } }
/** * @runInSeparateProcess */ public function testGetInstance() { $logger = Logger::getInstance(); $this->assertInstanceOf('FileLogger', $logger); }
/** * @runInSeparateProcess */ public function testCannotWrite() { Config::set('DEBUG', true); $conf = array('logger' => 'FileLogger', 'filepath' => '/log.txt'); Config::set('Logger', $conf);
$this->setExpectedException('GeneralException', 'Could not open file /log.txt'); $logger = Logger::getInstance()->log('new msg'); $this->assertFileNotExists('log.txt'); }
/** * @runInSeparateProcess */ public function testLog() { Config::set('DEBUG', true); $this->assertFileNotExists($this->conf['filepath']); $logger = Logger::getInstance(); $logger->setPid(123); $logger->log('new msg'); $this->assertFileExists($this->conf['filepath']); }
/** * @runInSeparateProcess */ public function testDestruct() { Config::set('DEBUG', true); $my_pid = posix_getpid(); $fd_command = 'lsof -n -p ' . $my_pid . ' | wc -l'; $fd_count_start = (int) `$fd_command`; $logger = Logger::getInstance(); $logger->log('new msg'); $logger->log('new msg'); $logger->log('new msg'); $logger->log('new msg'); $logger->log('new msg'); $logger->log('new msg'); $logger->log('new msg'); $logger->log('new msg'); $logger->__destruct(); $this->assertAttributeEquals(null, 'handler', $logger); $fd_count_end = (int) `$fd_command`; $this->assertSame($fd_count_start, $fd_count_end); }
public function tearDown() { $conf = Config::getInstance(); $conf->offsetUnset('Logger'); if (file_exists($this->conf['filepath'])) { unlink($this->conf['filepath']); } } }