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  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * @copyright NetMonsters <>
  4. * @link
  5. * @package Majestic
  6. * @subpackage util
  7. * @since 2010-03-09
  8. * @version SVN: $Id$
  9. * @filesource $URL$
  10. */
  11. class Profiler
  12. {
  13. protected $start = null;
  14. protected $end = null;
  15. protected $queries = array();
  16. static protected $instance = null;
  17. private function __construct()
  18. {
  19. if (Config::get('PROFILER') == false) {
  20. throw new GeneralException('Need to turn on PROFILER before use.');
  21. }
  22. }
  23. /**
  24. * Refuse cloning
  25. */
  26. private function __clone()
  27. {
  28. }
  29. /**
  30. * @return Profiler
  31. */
  32. static public function getInstance()
  33. {
  34. if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
  35. self::$instance = new self();
  36. }
  37. return self::$instance;
  38. }
  39. /**
  40. * @param string $type
  41. * @param string $command
  42. * @return CommandProfiler
  43. */
  44. public function profilerCommand($type, $command)
  45. {
  46. $profiler = new CommandProfiler($type, $command);
  47. $this->queries[] = $profiler;
  48. return $profiler;
  49. }
  50. public function start()
  51. {
  52. $this->start = microtime(true);
  53. }
  54. public function end($html)
  55. {
  56. $this->end = microtime(true);
  57. if (stripos($html, '</body>') == False) {
  58. return $html;
  59. }
  60. return str_ireplace('</body>', $this->getOutput() . '</body>', $html);
  61. }
  62. protected function getOutput()
  63. {
  64. $temp = '';
  65. $queriesTime = 0;
  66. foreach ($this->queries as $query) {
  67. $temp .= '(' . $query->getType() . ') [' . round($query->getElapsed() * 1000, 2) . 'ms] ' . $query->getCommand() . '<br/>';
  68. $queriesTime += $query->getElapsed();
  69. }
  70. $html = '<div style="clear:both; font:12px monospace; margin: 5px; white-space: pre;">'
  71. . 'Elapsed time: ' . round(($this->end - $this->start) * 1000, 2) . 'ms.<br/>';
  72. if (count($this->queries) == 0 && !Config::get('PROFILER_DETAILS')) {
  73. $html .= 'Queries not counted. Turn PROFILER_DETAILS on true, if you want to profile queries.<br>';
  74. } else {
  75. $html .= 'Queries: ' . count($this->queries) . ' [' . round($queriesTime * 1000, 2) . ' ms]<br/>';
  76. }
  77. $html .= $temp;
  78. $html .= '</div>';
  79. return $html;
  80. }
  81. public function getJson()
  82. {
  83. $this->end = microtime(true);
  84. FB::info(round(($this->end - $this->start) * 1000, 2) . ' ms', 'Elapsed time');
  85. $table = array();
  86. $table[] = array('Type', 'Time (ms)', 'Query');
  87. $queriesTime = 0;
  88. foreach ($this->queries as $query) {
  89. $table[] = array($query->getType(), round($query->getElapsed() * 1000, 2), $query->getCommand());
  90. $queriesTime += $query->getElapsed();
  91. }
  92. if (count($this->queries) == 0 && !Config::get('PROFILER_DETAILS')) {
  93. FB::table('Queries not counted. Turn PROFILER_DETAILS on true, if you want to profile queries.', $table);
  94. } else {
  95. FB::table('Queries: ' . count($this->queries) . ' [' . round($queriesTime * 1000, 2) . ' ms]', $table);
  96. }
  97. }
  98. public function getCli()
  99. {
  100. $this->end = microtime(true);
  101. $queriesTime = 0;
  102. $temp = str_pad(PHP_EOL, 60, '-', STR_PAD_LEFT);
  103. foreach ($this->queries as $query) {
  104. $temp .= sprintf('%-25s[% 10sms] %s', '(' . $query->getType() .')', round($query->getElapsed() * 1000, 2), $query->getCommand()) . PHP_EOL;
  105. $queriesTime += $query->getElapsed();
  106. }
  107. $html = str_pad(PHP_EOL, 60, '-', STR_PAD_LEFT);
  108. $html .= 'Elapsed time: ' . round(($this->end - $this->start) * 1000, 2) . 'ms.' . PHP_EOL;
  109. if (count($this->queries) == 0 && !Config::get('PROFILER_DETAILS')) {
  110. $html .= 'Queries not counted. Turn PROFILER_DETAILS on true, if you want to profile queries.' . PHP_EOL;
  111. } else {
  112. $html .= 'Queries: ' . count($this->queries) . ' [' . round($queriesTime * 1000, 2) . ' ms] ' . PHP_EOL;
  113. }
  114. $html .= $temp;
  115. return $html;
  116. }
  117. }