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33 lines
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <phpunit bootstrap="bootstrap.php"
  3. backupGlobals="true"
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  9. forceCoversAnnotation="false"
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  18. strict="true"
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  20. <filter>
  21. <blacklist>
  22. <directory>../util/FirePHPCore-0.3.2</directory>
  23. <directory>.</directory>
  24. <file>../face/cache/autoload.php</file>
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  28. <var name="DB_DSN" value="mysql:dbname=testdb;host=localhost"/>
  29. <var name="DB_USER" value="root"/>
  30. <var name="DB_PASSWD" value="1234"/>
  31. <var name="DB_DBNAME" value="testdb"/>
  32. </php>
  33. </phpunit>