<?php namespace dimti\Image; /** * Class Upload * @version 0.2 */ abstract class Upload { public static $dir_image_cache = 'media/cache/images'; public static function &getGreagwarImage($file_path) { $greagwar_image = new \GreagwarImage($file_path); $config_upload = \Majestic\Config::get('Upload'); $dir_image_cache = $config_upload ? $config_upload->dir_image_cache : self::$dir_image_cache; $greagwar_image->setCacheDir(\Majestic\Config::get('PATH_WEB_ROOT') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir_image_cache); return $greagwar_image; } public static function getFilePath($image) { return \Majestic\Config::get('PATH_WEB_ROOT') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $image->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $image->filename; } /** * @param $class string|Image * @param $file array (ex. ['tmp_name' => '...', 'name' => '...', 'error' => '...']) * @param $force_create_variants bool * @return Image * @throws ErrorException * TODO: Рефакторинг: убрать параметр $force_create_variants? */ public static function image($class, $file, $force_create_variants = true) { /** * @var $image Image */ if (is_null($class) || $class == '') { throw new \ErrorException('Class not defined.'); } if (!is_object($class) && !class_exists($class)) { throw new \ErrorException('Class "' . $class . '" not exists.'); } Image::checkSubClass($class); if (isset($file['error']) && $file['error'] != 0) { return false; } $image = is_object($class) ? $class : new $class; $image->original_filename = $file['name']; self::saveImage($image, $file['tmp_name'], $class::getMaxWidth(), $class::getMaxHeight()); self::defineSizeWidthAndHeight($image); if ($force_create_variants) { $sizes = $image->getSizes(); foreach ($sizes as $size) { self::imageVariant($image, $size); } } return $image; } /** * @param $image Image * @param $size string @ex '1200x960' * @param $greagwar_image \GreagwarImage @deprecated */ public static function imageVariant($image, $size, $greagwar_image = null) { unset($greagwar_image); $image_variant = new ImageVariant(); $size_parts = explode('x', $size); self::saveImage($image_variant, self::getFilePath($image), $size_parts[0] ? : null, $size_parts[1] ? : null); if (\Majestic\Config::get('PYTHON_PIL_PASTE') && method_exists($image, 'getWatermark') && $image->getWatermark($size) ) { $script_file_path = \Majestic\Config::get('PYTHON_PIL_PASTE')->script_file_path; $pil_options = (isset(\Majestic\Config::get('PYTHON_PIL_PASTE')->pil_options) && \Majestic\Config::get('PYTHON_PIL_PASTE')->pil_options) ? ' ' . implode(' ', \Majestic\Config::get('PYTHON_PIL_PASTE')->pil_options) : ''; ob_start(); $code = null; $command = $script_file_path . $pil_options . ' ' . self::getFilePath($image_variant) . ' ' . \Majestic\Config::get('PATH_WEB_ROOT') . '/' . $image->getWatermark($size); passthru('exec 2>&1; ' . $command, $code); if ($code !== 0) { throw new \ErrorException('Command PYTHON_PIL_PASTE exit with code "' . $code . '": ' . $command . PHP_EOL . 'Std out: ' . ob_get_clean() ); } ob_end_clean(); } self::defineSizeWidthAndHeight($image_variant); $image->variants[$size] = $image_variant; } /** * @param $image ImageVariant|Image * @param $tmp_file_path string|\GreagwarImage * @param null $width * @param null $height * TODO: Возможно, стоит искоренить GreagwarImage */ public static function saveImage($image, $tmp_file_path , $width = null, $height = null) { if (is_object($tmp_file_path)) { /** * @deprecated */ $greagwar_image = $tmp_file_path; } else { $greagwar_image = self::getGreagwarImage($tmp_file_path); } $image->type = $greagwar_image->guessType(); if (!Image::getIsSubClass($image)) { if ( !( ImageVariant::getIsClass( $image ) ) && Image::getIsSubClass( $image ) ) { $greagwar_image->resize( $width, $height, 0xffffff, $force = false, $rescale = false, $crop = true ); } else { $greagwar_image->resize( $width, $height, 0xffffff, $force = false, $rescale = false, $crop = false ); } } $hash = $greagwar_image->getHash($image->type, $quality = 100); $file_path = $greagwar_image->generateFileFromhash($hash) . '.' . $image->type; if (Image::getIsSubClass($image)) { if (is_uploaded_file($tmp_file_path)) { move_uploaded_file($tmp_file_path, $file_path); } else { copy($tmp_file_path, $file_path); } } else { if (\Majestic\Config::get('PYTHON_PIL_RESIZE')) { $script_file_path = \Majestic\Config::get( 'PYTHON_PIL_RESIZE' )->script_file_path; $pil_options = isset( \Majestic\Config::get( 'PYTHON_PIL_RESIZE' )->pil_options ) ? ' ' . implode( ' ', \Majestic\Config::get( 'PYTHON_PIL_RESIZE' )->pil_options ) : ''; // ob_start(); $code = null; $command = $script_file_path . ( ( $width ) ? ' --width=' . $width : '' ) . ( ( $height ) ? ' --height=' . $height : '' ) . $pil_options . ' ' . $tmp_file_path . ' ' . $file_path; ob_start(); passthru( 'exec 2>&1; ' . $command, $code ); if ($code !== 0) { throw new \ErrorException('Command PYTHON_PIL_RESIZE exit with code "' . $code . '": ' . $command . PHP_EOL . 'Std out: ' . ob_get_clean() ); } ob_end_clean(); } else { if ($width || $height) { $file_path = $greagwar_image->cacheFile($image->type, $quality = 100, true); } } } $path_parts = pathinfo($file_path); $image->path = preg_replace('#^' . \Majestic\Config::get('PATH_WEB_ROOT') . '/#', '', $path_parts['dirname']); $image->filename = $path_parts['basename']; self::defineSizeWidthAndHeight($image); unset($greagwar_image); } private static function defineSizeWidthAndHeight($image) { $file_path = self::getFilePath($image); $imagesize = getimagesize($file_path); $image->width = $imagesize[0]; $image->height = $imagesize[1]; $image->size = filesize($file_path); } /** * @param $image * @param string $value * @deprecated */ public static function brightnessContrast($image, $value = '0x7') { $file_path = self::getFilePath($image); $output = shell_exec("convert {$file_path} -brightness-contrast {$value} {$file_path} 2>&1"); if (isset($output) && $output) { if (class_exists('ErrorMessage')) { \ErrorMessage::log($output); } } } }