You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

329 lines
9.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict'
// /Users/lloydb/Documents/lws/local-web-server/lib/local-web-server.js:307
// console.error(usage)
// ^
// ReferenceError: usage is not defined
// at parseCommandLineOptions (/Users/lloydb/Documents/lws/local-web-server/lib/local-web-server.js:307:19)
// at new LocalWebServer (/Users/lloydb/Documents/lws/local-web-server/lib/local-web-server.js:46:47)
// at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/lloydb/Documents/lws/local-web-server/bin/cli.js:4:1)
// at Module._compile (module.js:556:32)
// at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:565:10)
// at Module.load (module.js:473:32)
// at tryModuleLoad (module.js:432:12)
// at Function.Module._load (module.js:424:3)
// at Module.runMain (module.js:590:10)
// at run (bootstrap_node.js:394:7)
const path = require('path')
const flatten = require('reduce-flatten')
const arrayify = require('array-back')
const ansi = require('ansi-escape-sequences')
* @module local-web-server
* @alias module:local-web-server
* @extends module:middleware-stack
class LocalWebServer {
* @param [options] {object} - Server options
* @param [options.port} {number} - Port
* @param [options.stack} {string[]|Features[]} - Port
constructor (initOptions) {
initOptions = initOptions || {}
const commandLineUsage = require('command-line-usage')
const CliView = require('./cli-view')
const cli = require('../lib/cli-data')
/* get stored config */
const loadConfig = require('config-master')
const stored = loadConfig('local-web-server')
/* read the config and command-line for feature paths */
const featurePaths = parseFeaturePaths(initOptions.stack || stored.stack)
* Loaded feature modules
* @type {Feature[]}
this.features = this._buildFeatureStack(featurePaths)
/* gather feature optionDefinitions and parse the command line */
const featureOptionDefinitions = gatherOptionDefinitions(this.features)
const usage = commandLineUsage(cli.usage(featureOptionDefinitions))
const allOptionDefinitions = cli.optionDefinitions.concat(featureOptionDefinitions)
let options = initOptions.testMode ? {} : parseCommandLineOptions(allOptionDefinitions, this.view)
/* combine in stored config */
options = Object.assign(
{ port: 8000 },
* Config
* @type {object}
this.options = options
* Current view.
* @type {View}
this.view = null
/* --config */
if (options.config) {
console.error(JSON.stringify(options, null, ' '))
/* --version */
} else if (options.version) {
const pkg = require(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'package.json'))
/* --help */
} else if ( {
} else {
* Node.js server
* @type {Server}
this.server = this.getServer()
if (options.view) {
const View = loadModule(options.view)
this.view = new View(this)
} else {
this.view = new CliView(this)
* Returns a middleware application suitable for passing to `http.createServer`. The application is a function with three args (req, res and next) which can be created by express, Koa or hand-rolled.
* @returns {function}
getApplication () {
const Koa = require('koa')
const app = new Koa()
const compose = require('koa-compose')
const convert = require('koa-convert')
const middlewareStack = this.features
.filter(mw => mw.middleware)
.map(mw => mw.middleware(this.options, this))
.reduce(flatten, [])
.filter(mw => mw)
app.on('error', err => {
console.error(ansi.format(err.stack, 'red'))
return app.callback()
* Returns a listening server which processes requests using the middleware supplied.
* @returns {Server}
getServer () {
const app = this.getApplication()
const options = this.options
let key = options.key
let cert = options.cert
if (options.https && !(key && cert)) {
key = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'ssl', '')
cert = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'ssl', '')
let server = null
if (key && cert) {
const fs = require('fs')
const serverOptions = {
key: fs.readFileSync(key),
cert: fs.readFileSync(cert)
const https = require('https')
server = https.createServer(serverOptions, app)
server.isHttps = true
} else {
const http = require('http')
server = http.createServer(app)
// if (onListening) server.on('listening', onListening)
/* on server-up message */
if (!options.testMode) {
server.on('listening', () => {
const ipList = getIPList()
.map(iface => `[underline]{${server.isHttps ? 'https' : 'http'}://${iface.address}:${options.port}}`)
.join(', ')
console.error('Serving at', ansi.format(ipList))
return server
_buildFeatureStack (featurePaths) {
return featurePaths
.map(featurePath => loadStack(featurePath))
.map(Feature => new Feature())
.map(feature => {
if (feature.stack) {
const featureStack = feature.stack()
.map(Feature => new Feature())
feature.optionDefinitions = function () {
return featureStack
.map(feature => feature.optionDefinitions && feature.optionDefinitions())
.filter(definitions => definitions)
.reduce(flatten, [])
feature.middleware = function (options, view) {
return featureStack
.map(feature => feature.middleware(options, view))
.reduce(flatten, [])
.filter(mw => mw)
return feature
* Loads a module by either path or name.
* @returns {object}
function loadStack (modulePath) {
const isModule = module => module.prototype && (module.prototype.middleware || module.prototype.stack)
if (isModule(modulePath)) return modulePath
const module = loadModule(modulePath)
if (module) {
if (!isModule(module)) {
const insp = require('util').inspect(module, { depth: 3, colors: true })
const msg = `Not valid Middleware at: ${insp}`
} else {
const msg = `No module found for: ${modulePath}`
return module
function loadModule (modulePath) {
let module
const tried = []
if (modulePath) {
try {
module = require(path.resolve(modulePath))
} catch (err) {
const walkBack = require('walk-back')
const foundPath = walkBack(process.cwd(), path.join('node_modules', 'local-web-server-' + modulePath))
tried.push('local-web-server-' + modulePath)
if (foundPath) {
module = require(foundPath)
} else {
const foundPath2 = walkBack(process.cwd(), path.join('node_modules', modulePath))
if (foundPath2) {
module = require(foundPath2)
return module
function getIPList () {
const flatten = require('reduce-flatten')
const os = require('os')
let ipList = Object.keys(os.networkInterfaces())
.map(key => os.networkInterfaces()[key])
.reduce(flatten, [])
.filter(iface => === 'IPv4')
ipList.unshift({ address: os.hostname() })
return ipList
/* manually scan for any --stack passed, as we may need to display stack options */
function parseFeaturePaths (configStack) {
const featurePaths = arrayify(configStack)
const featureIndex = process.argv.indexOf('--stack')
if (featureIndex > -1) {
for (var i = featureIndex + 1; i < process.argv.length; i++) {
const featurePath = process.argv[i]
if (/^-/.test(featurePath)) {
} else {
/* if the user did not supply a stack, use the default */
if (!featurePaths.length) featurePaths.push(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'node_modules', 'local-web-server-default-stack'))
return featurePaths
function gatherOptionDefinitions (features) {
return features
.filter(mw => mw.optionDefinitions)
.map(mw => mw.optionDefinitions())
.reduce(flatten, [])
.filter(def => def)
.map(def => { = 'middleware'
return def
function parseCommandLineOptions (allOptionDefinitions) {
const commandLineArgs = require('command-line-args')
try {
return commandLineArgs(allOptionDefinitions)
} catch (err) {
/* handle duplicate option names */
if ( === 'DUPLICATE_NAME') {
console.error('\nOption Definitions:')
console.error( => {
return `name: ${}${def.alias ? ', alias: ' + def.alias : ''}`
module.exports = LocalWebServer