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module.exports = {
definitions: [
name: 'port', alias: 'p', type: Number, defaultOption: true,
description: 'Web server port.', group: 'server'
name: 'directory', alias: 'd', type: String, typeLabel: '[underline]{path}',
description: 'Root directory, defaults to the current directory.', group: 'server'
name: 'log-format', alias: 'f', type: String,
description: "If a format is supplied an access log is written to stdout. If not, a dynamic statistics view is displayed. Use a preset ('none', 'dev','combined', 'short', 'tiny' or 'logstalgia') or supply a custom format (e.g. ':method -> :url').", group: 'server'
name: 'rewrite', alias: 'r', type: String, multiple: true, typeLabel: '[underline]{expression} ...',
description: "A list of URL rewrite rules. For each rule, separate the 'from' and 'to' routes with '->'. Whitespace surrounded the routes is ignored. E.g. '/from -> /to'.", group: 'server'
name: 'spa', alias: 's', type: String, typeLabel: '[underline]{file}',
description: 'Path to a Single Page App, e.g. app.html.', group: 'server'
name: 'compress', alias: 'c', type: Boolean,
description: 'Serve gzip-compressed resources, where applicable.', group: 'server'
name: 'forbid', alias: 'b', type: String, multiple: true, typeLabel: '[underline]{path} ...',
description: 'A list of forbidden routes.', group: 'server'
name: 'no-cache', alias: 'n', type: Boolean,
description: 'Disable etag-based caching - forces loading from disk each request.', group: 'server'
name: 'key', type: String, typeLabel: '[underline]{file}', group: 'server',
description: 'SSL key, required for https.'
name: 'cert', type: String, typeLabel: '[underline]{file}', group: 'server',
description: 'SSL cert, required for https.'
name: 'verbose', type: Boolean,
description: 'Verbose output, useful for debugging.', group: 'server'
name: 'help', alias: 'h', type: Boolean,
description: 'Print these usage instructions.', group: 'misc'
name: 'config', type: Boolean,
description: 'Print the stored config.', group: 'misc'
usageData: {
title: 'local-web-server',
description: 'A simple web-server for productive front-end development.',
footer: 'Project home: [underline]{}',
synopsis: [
'$ ws [<server options>]',
'$ ws --config',
'$ ws --help'
groups: {
server: 'Server',
misc: 'Misc'