'use strict' const arrayify = require('array-back') const path = require('path') const url = require('url') const debug = require('debug')('local-web-server') const mw = require('./middleware') class MiddlewareStack extends Array { constructor (options) { super() this.options = options options = Object.assign({ cacheControl: {}, spa: null, compress: false, mime: {}, forbid: [], rewrite: [], verbose: false, mocks: [] }, options) if (options.verbose) { process.env.DEBUG = '*' } options.rewrite = arrayify(options.rewrite) options.forbid = arrayify(options.forbid) options.mocks = arrayify(options.mocks) } add (middleware) { this.push(middleware) return this } /** * allow from any origin */ addCors () { this.push(require('kcors')()) return this } /* pretty print JSON */ addJson () { this.push(require('koa-json')()) return this } /* rewrite rules */ addRewrite () { const options = this.options.rewrite if (options.length) { options.forEach(route => { if (route.to) { /* `to` address is remote if the url specifies a host */ if (url.parse(route.to).host) { const _ = require('koa-route') debug('proxy rewrite', `${route.from} -> ${route.to}`) this.push(_.all(route.from, mw.proxyRequest(route))) } else { const rewrite = require('koa-rewrite') const rmw = rewrite(route.from, route.to) rmw._name = 'rewrite' this.push(rmw) } } }) } return this } /* must come after rewrite. See https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-http-proxy/issues/180. */ addBodyParser () { this.push(require('koa-bodyparser')()) return this } /* path blacklist */ addBlacklist () { const options = this.options.forbid if (options.length) { debug('forbid', options.join(', ')) this.push(mw.blacklist(options)) } return this } /* cache */ addCache () { if (!this.options['no-cache']) { this.push(require('koa-conditional-get')()) this.push(require('koa-etag')()) } return this } /* mime-type overrides */ addMimeType () { const options = this.options.mime if (options) { debug('mime override', JSON.stringify(options)) this.push(mw.mime(options)) } return this } /* compress response */ addCompression () { if (this.options.compress) { const compress = require('koa-compress') debug('compression', 'enabled') this.push(compress()) } return this } /* Logging */ addLogging (format, options) { format = this.options.server['log-format'] || format options = options || {} if (this.options.verbose && !format) { format = 'none' } if (format !== 'none') { const morgan = require('koa-morgan') if (!format) { const streamLogStats = require('stream-log-stats') options.stream = streamLogStats({ refreshRate: 500 }) this.push(morgan('common', options)) } else if (format === 'logstalgia') { morgan.token('date', () => { var d = new Date() return (`${d.getDate()}/${d.getUTCMonth()}/${d.getFullYear()}:${d.toTimeString()}`).replace('GMT', '').replace(' (BST)', '') }) this.push(morgan('combined', options)) } else { this.push(morgan(format, options)) } } return this } /* Mock Responses */ addMockResponses () { const options = this.options.mocks options.forEach(mock => { if (mock.module) { mock.responses = require(path.resolve(path.join(this.options.static.root, mock.module))) } if (mock.responses) { this.push(mw.mockResponses(mock.route, mock.responses)) } else if (mock.response) { mock.target = { request: mock.request, response: mock.response } this.push(mw.mockResponses(mock.route, mock.target)) } }) return this } /* for any URL not matched by static (e.g. `/search`), serve the SPA */ addSpa () { if (this.options.spa) { const historyApiFallback = require('koa-connect-history-api-fallback') debug('SPA', this.options.spa) this.push(historyApiFallback({ index: this.options.spa, verbose: this.options.verbose })) } return this } /* serve static files */ addStatic (root, options) { root = this.options.server.directory || root || process.cwd() options = Object.assign({ hidden: true }, options) if (root) { const serve = require('koa-static') this.push(serve(root, options)) } return this } /* serve directory index */ addIndex (path, options) { path = this.options.server.directory || path || process.cwd() options = Object.assign({ icons: true, hidden: true }, options) if (path) { const serveIndex = require('koa-serve-index') this.push(serveIndex(path, options)) } return this } getMiddleware (options) { const compose = require('koa-compose') const convert = require('koa-convert') const middlewareStack = this.map(convert) return compose(middlewareStack) } } module.exports = MiddlewareStack