## Goaccess To get live statistics in [goaccess](http://goaccess.io/), first create this config file at `~/.goaccessrc`: ``` time-format %T date-format %d/%b/%Y log-format %h %^[%d:%t %^] "%r" %s %b "%R" "%u" ``` Then, start the server, outputting `combined` format logs to disk: ```sh $ ws -f combined > web.log ``` In a separate tab, point goaccess at `web.log` and it will display statistics in real time: ``` $ goaccess -p ~/.goaccessrc -f web.log ``` ## Logstalgia local-web-server is compatible with [logstalgia](http://code.google.com/p/logstalgia/). ### Install Logstalgia On MacOSX, install with [homebrew](http://brew.sh): ```sh $ brew install logstalgia ``` Alternatively, [download a release for your system from github](https://github.com/acaudwell/Logstalgia/releases/latest). Then pipe the `logstalgia` output format directly into logstalgia for real-time visualisation: ```sh $ ws -f logstalgia | logstalgia - ``` ![local-web-server with logstalgia](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/75lb/local-web-server/master/doc/img/logstagia.gif) ## glTail To use with [glTail](http://www.fudgie.org), write your log to disk using the "default" format: ```sh $ ws -f default > web.log ``` Then specify this file in your glTail config: ```yaml servers: dev: host: localhost source: local files: /Users/Lloyd/Documents/MySite/web.log parser: apache color: 0.2, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0 ```