Browse Source


Lloyd Brookes 9 years ago
  1. 446
  2. 9
  3. 59
  4. 69
  5. 12
  6. 241
  7. 37
  8. 12
  9. 28
  10. 416
  11. 291
  12. 17
  13. 294


@ -108,409 +108,6 @@ serving at http://localhost:8000
### Single Page Application
You're building a web app with client-side routing, so mark `index.html` as the SPA.
$ ws --spa index.html
By default, typical SPA paths (e.g. `/user/1`, `/login`) would return `404 Not Found` as a file does not exist with that path. By marking `index.html` as the SPA you create this rule:
*If a static file at the requested path exists (e.g. `/css/style.css`) then serve it, if it does not (e.g. `/login`) then serve the specified SPA and handle the route client-side.*
### URL rewriting
Your application requested `/css/style.css` but it's stored at `/build/css/style.css`. To avoid a 404 you need a rewrite rule:
$ ws --rewrite '/css/style.css -> /build/css/style.css'
Or, more generally (matching any stylesheet under `/css`):
$ ws --rewrite '/css/:stylesheet -> /build/css/:stylesheet'
With a deep CSS directory structure it may be easier to mount the entire contents of `/build/css` to the `/css` path:
$ ws --rewrite '/css/* -> /build/css/$1'
this rewrites `/css/a` as `/build/css/a`, `/css/a/b/c` as `/build/css/a/b/c` etc.
#### Proxied requests
If the `to` URL contains a remote host, local-web-server will act as a proxy - fetching and responding with the remote resource.
Mount the npm registry locally:
$ ws --rewrite '/npm/* ->$1'
Map local requests for repo data to the Github API:
$ ws --rewrite '/:user/repos/:name ->'
### Mock Responses
Mocks give you full control over the response headers and body returned to the client. They can be used to return anything from a simple html string to a resourceful REST API. Typically, they're used to mock services but can be used for anything.
In the config, define an array called `mocks`. Each mock definition maps a <code>[route](</code> to a `response`. A simple home page:
"mocks": [
"route": "/",
"response": {
"body": "<h1>Welcome to the Mock Responses example</h1>"
Under the hood, the property values from the `response` object are written onto the underlying [koa response object]( You can set any valid koa response properies, for example [type](
"mocks": [
"route": "/",
"response": {
"type": "text/plain",
"body": "<h1>Welcome to the Mock Responses example</h1>"
#### Conditional Response
To define a conditional response, set a `request` object on the mock definition. The `request` value acts as a query - the response defined will only be returned if each property of the `request` query matches. For example, return an XML response *only* if the request headers include `accept: application/xml`, else return 404 Not Found.
"mocks": [
"route": "/two",
"request": { "accepts": "xml" },
"response": {
"body": "<result id='2' name='whatever' />"
#### Multiple Potential Responses
To specify multiple potential responses, set an array of mock definitions to the `responses` property. The first response with a matching request query will be sent. In this example, the client will get one of two responses depending on the request method:
"mocks": [
"route": "/three",
"responses": [
"request": { "method": "GET" },
"response": {
"body": "<h1>Mock response for 'GET' request on /three</h1>"
"request": { "method": "POST" },
"response": {
"status": 400,
"body": { "message": "That method is not allowed." }
#### Dynamic Response
The examples above all returned static data. To define a dynamic response, create a mock module. Specify its path in the `module` property:
"mocks": [
"route": "/four",
"module": "/mocks/stream-self.js"
Here's what the `stream-self` module looks like. The module should export a mock definition (an object, or array of objects, each with a `response` and optional `request`). In this example, the module simply streams itself to the response but you could set `body` to *any* [valid value](
const fs = require('fs')
module.exports = {
response: {
body: fs.createReadStream(__filename)
#### Response function
For more power, define the response as a function. It will receive the [koa context]( as its first argument. Now you have full programmatic control over the response returned.
module.exports = {
response: function (ctx) {
ctx.body = '<h1>I can do anything i want.</h1>'
If the route contains tokens, their values are passed to the response. For example, with this mock...
"mocks": [
"route": "/players/:id",
"module": "/mocks/players.js"
...the `id` value is passed to the `response` function. For example, a path of `/players/10?name=Lionel` would pass `10` to the response function. Additional, the value `Lionel` would be available on ``:
module.exports = {
response: function (ctx, id) {
ctx.body = `<h1>id: ${id}, name: ${}</h1>`
#### RESTful Resource example
Here's an example of a REST collection (users). We'll create two routes, one for actions on the resource collection, one for individual resource actions.
"mocks": [
{ "route": "/users", "module": "/mocks/users.js" },
{ "route": "/users/:id", "module": "/mocks/user.js" }
Define a module (`users.json`) defining seed data:
{ "id": 1, "name": "Lloyd", "age": 40, "nationality": "English" },
{ "id": 2, "name": "Mona", "age": 34, "nationality": "Palestinian" },
{ "id": 3, "name": "Francesco", "age": 24, "nationality": "Italian" }
The collection module:
const users = require('./users.json')
/* responses for /users */
const mockResponses = [
/* Respond with 400 Bad Request for PUT and DELETE - inappropriate on a collection */
{ request: { method: 'PUT' }, response: { status: 400 } },
{ request: { method: 'DELETE' }, response: { status: 400 } },
/* for GET requests return a subset of data, optionally filtered on 'minAge' and 'nationality' */
request: { method: 'GET' },
response: function (ctx) {
ctx.body = users.filter(user => {
const meetsMinAge = (user.age || 1000) >= (Number(ctx.query.minAge) || 0)
const requiredNationality = user.nationality === (ctx.query.nationality || user.nationality)
return meetsMinAge && requiredNationality
/* for POST requests, create a new user and return the path to the new resource */
request: { method: 'POST' },
response: function (ctx) {
const newUser = ctx.request.body
users.push(newUser) = users.length
ctx.status = 201
ctx.response.set('Location', `/users/${}`)
module.exports = mockResponses
The individual resource module:
const users = require('./users.json')
/* responses for /users/:id */
const mockResponses = [
/* don't support POST here */
{ request: { method: 'POST' }, response: { status: 400 } },
/* for GET requests, return a particular user */
request: { method: 'GET' },
response: function (ctx, id) {
ctx.body = users.find(user => === Number(id))
/* for PUT requests, update the record */
request: { method: 'PUT' },
response: function (ctx, id) {
const updatedUser = ctx.request.body
const existingUserIndex = users.findIndex(user => === Number(id))
users.splice(existingUserIndex, 1, updatedUser)
ctx.status = 200
/* DELETE request: remove the record */
request: { method: 'DELETE' },
response: function (ctx, id) {
const existingUserIndex = users.findIndex(user => === Number(id))
users.splice(existingUserIndex, 1)
ctx.status = 200
module.exports = mockResponses
### HTTPS Server
Some modern techs (ServiceWorker, any `MediaDevices.getUserMedia()` request etc.) *must* be served from a secure origin (HTTPS). To launch an HTTPS server, supply a `--key` and `--cert` to local-web-server, for example:
$ ws --key localhost.key --cert localhost.crt
If you don't have a key and certificate it's trivial to create them. You do not need third-party verification (Verisign etc.) for development purposes. To get the green padlock in the browser, the certificate..
* must have a `Common Name` value matching the FQDN of the server
* must be verified by a Certificate Authority (but we can overrule this - see below)
First create a certificate:
1. Install openssl.
`$ brew install openssl`
2. Generate a RSA private key.
`$ openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out ws.pass.key 2048`
3. Create RSA key.
$ openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in ws.pass.key -out ws.key
4. Create certificate request. The command below will ask a series of questions about the certificate owner. The most imporant answer to give is for `Common Name`, you can accept the default values for the others. **Important**: you **must** input your server's correct FQDN (`dev-server.local`, `laptop.home` etc.) into the `Common Name` field. The cert is only valid for the domain specified here. You can find out your computers host name by running the command `hostname`. For example, mine is `mba3.home`.
`$ openssl req -new -key ws.key -out ws.csr`
5. Generate self-signed certificate.
`$ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in ws.csr -signkey ws.key -out ws.crt`
6. Clean up files we're finished with
`$ rm ws.pass.key ws.csr`
7. Launch HTTPS server. In iTerm, control-click the first URL (with the hostname matching `Common Name`) to launch your browser.
$ ws --key ws.key --cert ws.crt
serving at https://mba3.home:8010,,
Chrome and Firefox will still complain your certificate has not been verified by a Certificate Authority. Firefox will offer you an `Add an exception` option, allowing you to ignore the warning and manually mark the certificate as trusted. In Chrome on Mac, you can manually trust the certificate another way:
1. Open Keychain
2. Click File -> Import. Select the `.crt` file you created.
3. In the `Certificates` category, double-click the cert you imported.
4. In the `trust` section, underneath `when using this certificate`, select `Always Trust`.
Now you have a valid, trusted certificate for development.
#### Built-in certificate
As a quick win, you can run `ws` with the `https` flag. This will launch an HTTPS server using a [built-in certificate]( registered to the domain
### Stored config
Use the same options every time? Persist then to `package.json`:
"name": "example",
"version": "1.0.0",
"local-web-server": {
"port": 8100,
"forbid": "*.json"
or `.local-web-server.json`
"port": 8100,
"forbid": "*.json"
local-web-server will merge and use all config found, searching from the current directory upward. In the case both `package.json` and `.local-web-server.json` config is found in the same directory, `.local-web-server.json` will take precedence. Options set on the command line take precedence over all.
To inspect stored config, run:
$ ws --config
### Logging
By default, local-web-server outputs a simple, dynamic statistics view. To see traditional web server logs, use `--log-format`:
$ ws --log-format combined
serving at http://localhost:8000
::1 - - [16/Nov/2015:11:16:52 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 12290 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2562.0 Safari/537.36"
The format value supplied is passed directly to [morgan]( The exception is `--log-format none` which disables all output.
### Access Control
By default, access to all files is allowed (including dot files). Use `--forbid` to establish a blacklist:
$ ws --forbid '*.json' '*.yml'
serving at http://localhost:8000
### Other usage
#### Debugging
@ -534,19 +131,6 @@ Disable etag response headers, forcing resources to be served in full every time
$ ws --no-cache
#### mime-types
You can set additional mime-type/extension mappings, or override the defaults by setting a `mime` value in the stored config. This value is passed directly to [mime.define()]( Example:
"mime": {
"text/plain": [ "php", "pl" ]
#### Log Visualisation
Instructions for how to visualise log output using goaccess, logstalgia or gltail [here](
@ -597,7 +181,35 @@ serving at http://localhost:8100
## API Reference
ERROR, Cannot find module.
* [local-web-server](#module_local-web-server)
* [LocalWebServer](#exp_module_local-web-server--LocalWebServer) ⇐ <code>[middleware-stack](#module_middleware-stack)</code>
* _instance_
* [.add(middleware)](#) ↩︎
* _inner_
* [~collectUserOptions()](#module_local-web-server--LocalWebServer..collectUserOptions)
<a name="exp_module_local-web-server--LocalWebServer"></a>
### LocalWebServer ⇐ <code>[middleware-stack](#module_middleware-stack)</code>
**Kind**: Exported class
**Extends:** <code>[middleware-stack](#module_middleware-stack)</code>
<a name=""></a>
#### localWebServer.add(middleware) ↩︎
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[LocalWebServer](#exp_module_local-web-server--LocalWebServer)</code>
- middleware <code>[middleware](#module_middleware-stack--MiddlewareStack..middleware)</code>
<a name="module_local-web-server--LocalWebServer..collectUserOptions"></a>
#### LocalWebServer~collectUserOptions()
Return default, stored and command-line options combined
**Kind**: inner method of <code>[LocalWebServer](#exp_module_local-web-server--LocalWebServer)</code>
* * *
&copy; 2013-16 Lloyd Brookes <>. Documented by [jsdoc-to-markdown](


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
## Access Control
By default, access to all files is allowed (including dot files). Use `--forbid` to establish a blacklist:
$ ws --forbid '*.json' '*.yml'
serving at http://localhost:8000


@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
## HTTPS Server
Some modern techs (ServiceWorker, any `MediaDevices.getUserMedia()` request etc.) *must* be served from a secure origin (HTTPS). To launch an HTTPS server, supply a `--key` and `--cert` to local-web-server, for example:
$ ws --key localhost.key --cert localhost.crt
If you don't have a key and certificate it's trivial to create them. You do not need third-party verification (Verisign etc.) for development purposes. To get the green padlock in the browser, the certificate..
* must have a `Common Name` value matching the FQDN of the server
* must be verified by a Certificate Authority (but we can overrule this - see below)
First create a certificate:
1. Install openssl.
`$ brew install openssl`
2. Generate a RSA private key.
`$ openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out ws.pass.key 2048`
3. Create RSA key.
$ openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in ws.pass.key -out ws.key
4. Create certificate request. The command below will ask a series of questions about the certificate owner. The most imporant answer to give is for `Common Name`, you can accept the default values for the others. **Important**: you **must** input your server's correct FQDN (`dev-server.local`, `laptop.home` etc.) into the `Common Name` field. The cert is only valid for the domain specified here. You can find out your computers host name by running the command `hostname`. For example, mine is `mba3.home`.
`$ openssl req -new -key ws.key -out ws.csr`
5. Generate self-signed certificate.
`$ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in ws.csr -signkey ws.key -out ws.crt`
6. Clean up files we're finished with
`$ rm ws.pass.key ws.csr`
7. Launch HTTPS server. In iTerm, control-click the first URL (with the hostname matching `Common Name`) to launch your browser.
$ ws --key ws.key --cert ws.crt
serving at https://mba3.home:8010,,
Chrome and Firefox will still complain your certificate has not been verified by a Certificate Authority. Firefox will offer you an `Add an exception` option, allowing you to ignore the warning and manually mark the certificate as trusted. In Chrome on Mac, you can manually trust the certificate another way:
1. Open Keychain
2. Click File -> Import. Select the `.crt` file you created.
3. In the `Certificates` category, double-click the cert you imported.
4. In the `trust` section, underneath `when using this certificate`, select `Always Trust`.
Now you have a valid, trusted certificate for development.
### Built-in certificate
As a quick win, you can run `ws` with the `https` flag. This will launch an HTTPS server using a [built-in certificate]( registered to the domain


@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# Logging
By default, local-web-server outputs a simple, dynamic statistics view. To see traditional web server logs, use `--log-format`:
$ ws --log-format combined
serving at http://localhost:8000
::1 - - [16/Nov/2015:11:16:52 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 12290 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2562.0 Safari/537.36"
The format value supplied is passed directly to [morgan]( The exception is `--log-format none` which disables all output.
# Visualisation
## Goaccess
To get live statistics in [goaccess](, first create this config file at `~/.goaccessrc`:
time-format %T
date-format %d/%b/%Y
log-format %h %^[%d:%t %^] "%r" %s %b "%R" "%u"
Then, start the server, outputting `combined` format logs to disk:
$ ws -f combined > web.log
In a separate tab, point goaccess at `web.log` and it will display statistics in real time:
$ goaccess -p ~/.goaccessrc -f web.log
## Logstalgia
local-web-server is compatible with [logstalgia](
### Install Logstalgia
On MacOSX, install with [homebrew](
$ brew install logstalgia
Alternatively, [download a release for your system from github](
Then pipe the `logstalgia` output format directly into logstalgia for real-time visualisation:
$ ws -f logstalgia | logstalgia -
![local-web-server with logstalgia](
## glTail
To use with [glTail](, write your log to disk using the "default" format:
$ ws -f default > web.log
Then specify this file in your glTail config:
host: localhost
source: local
files: /Users/Lloyd/Documents/MySite/web.log
parser: apache
color: 0.2, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
## mime-types
You can set additional mime-type/extension mappings, or override the defaults by setting a `mime` value in the stored config. This value is passed directly to [mime.define()]( Example:
"mime": {
"text/plain": [ "php", "pl" ]


@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
## Mock Responses
Mocks give you full control over the response headers and body returned to the client. They can be used to return anything from a simple html string to a resourceful REST API. Typically, they're used to mock services but can be used for anything.
In the config, define an array called `mocks`. Each mock definition maps a <code>[route](</code> to a `response`. A simple home page:
"mocks": [
"route": "/",
"response": {
"body": "<h1>Welcome to the Mock Responses example</h1>"
Under the hood, the property values from the `response` object are written onto the underlying [koa response object]( You can set any valid koa response properies, for example [type](
"mocks": [
"route": "/",
"response": {
"type": "text/plain",
"body": "<h1>Welcome to the Mock Responses example</h1>"
### Conditional Response
To define a conditional response, set a `request` object on the mock definition. The `request` value acts as a query - the response defined will only be returned if each property of the `request` query matches. For example, return an XML response *only* if the request headers include `accept: application/xml`, else return 404 Not Found.
"mocks": [
"route": "/two",
"request": { "accepts": "xml" },
"response": {
"body": "<result id='2' name='whatever' />"
### Multiple Potential Responses
To specify multiple potential responses, set an array of mock definitions to the `responses` property. The first response with a matching request query will be sent. In this example, the client will get one of two responses depending on the request method:
"mocks": [
"route": "/three",
"responses": [
"request": { "method": "GET" },
"response": {
"body": "<h1>Mock response for 'GET' request on /three</h1>"
"request": { "method": "POST" },
"response": {
"status": 400,
"body": { "message": "That method is not allowed." }
### Dynamic Response
The examples above all returned static data. To define a dynamic response, create a mock module. Specify its path in the `module` property:
"mocks": [
"route": "/four",
"module": "/mocks/stream-self.js"
Here's what the `stream-self` module looks like. The module should export a mock definition (an object, or array of objects, each with a `response` and optional `request`). In this example, the module simply streams itself to the response but you could set `body` to *any* [valid value](
const fs = require('fs')
module.exports = {
response: {
body: fs.createReadStream(__filename)
### Response function
For more power, define the response as a function. It will receive the [koa context]( as its first argument. Now you have full programmatic control over the response returned.
module.exports = {
response: function (ctx) {
ctx.body = '<h1>I can do anything i want.</h1>'
If the route contains tokens, their values are passed to the response. For example, with this mock...
"mocks": [
"route": "/players/:id",
"module": "/mocks/players.js"
...the `id` value is passed to the `response` function. For example, a path of `/players/10?name=Lionel` would pass `10` to the response function. Additional, the value `Lionel` would be available on ``:
module.exports = {
response: function (ctx, id) {
ctx.body = `<h1>id: ${id}, name: ${}</h1>`
### RESTful Resource example
Here's an example of a REST collection (users). We'll create two routes, one for actions on the resource collection, one for individual resource actions.
"mocks": [
{ "route": "/users", "module": "/mocks/users.js" },
{ "route": "/users/:id", "module": "/mocks/user.js" }
Define a module (`users.json`) defining seed data:
{ "id": 1, "name": "Lloyd", "age": 40, "nationality": "English" },
{ "id": 2, "name": "Mona", "age": 34, "nationality": "Palestinian" },
{ "id": 3, "name": "Francesco", "age": 24, "nationality": "Italian" }
The collection module:
const users = require('./users.json')
/* responses for /users */
const mockResponses = [
/* Respond with 400 Bad Request for PUT and DELETE - inappropriate on a collection */
{ request: { method: 'PUT' }, response: { status: 400 } },
{ request: { method: 'DELETE' }, response: { status: 400 } },
/* for GET requests return a subset of data, optionally filtered on 'minAge' and 'nationality' */
request: { method: 'GET' },
response: function (ctx) {
ctx.body = users.filter(user => {
const meetsMinAge = (user.age || 1000) >= (Number(ctx.query.minAge) || 0)
const requiredNationality = user.nationality === (ctx.query.nationality || user.nationality)
return meetsMinAge && requiredNationality
/* for POST requests, create a new user and return the path to the new resource */
request: { method: 'POST' },
response: function (ctx) {
const newUser = ctx.request.body
users.push(newUser) = users.length
ctx.status = 201
ctx.response.set('Location', `/users/${}`)
module.exports = mockResponses
The individual resource module:
const users = require('./users.json')
/* responses for /users/:id */
const mockResponses = [
/* don't support POST here */
{ request: { method: 'POST' }, response: { status: 400 } },
/* for GET requests, return a particular user */
request: { method: 'GET' },
response: function (ctx, id) {
ctx.body = users.find(user => === Number(id))
/* for PUT requests, update the record */
request: { method: 'PUT' },
response: function (ctx, id) {
const updatedUser = ctx.request.body
const existingUserIndex = users.findIndex(user => === Number(id))
users.splice(existingUserIndex, 1, updatedUser)
ctx.status = 200
/* DELETE request: remove the record */
request: { method: 'DELETE' },
response: function (ctx, id) {
const existingUserIndex = users.findIndex(user => === Number(id))
users.splice(existingUserIndex, 1)
ctx.status = 200
module.exports = mockResponses


@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
## URL rewriting
Your application requested `/css/style.css` but it's stored at `/build/css/style.css`. To avoid a 404 you need a rewrite rule:
$ ws --rewrite '/css/style.css -> /build/css/style.css'
Or, more generally (matching any stylesheet under `/css`):
$ ws --rewrite '/css/:stylesheet -> /build/css/:stylesheet'
With a deep CSS directory structure it may be easier to mount the entire contents of `/build/css` to the `/css` path:
$ ws --rewrite '/css/* -> /build/css/$1'
this rewrites `/css/a` as `/build/css/a`, `/css/a/b/c` as `/build/css/a/b/c` etc.
### Proxied requests
If the `to` URL contains a remote host, local-web-server will act as a proxy - fetching and responding with the remote resource.
Mount the npm registry locally:
$ ws --rewrite '/npm/* ->$1'
Map local requests for repo data to the Github API:
$ ws --rewrite '/:user/repos/:name ->'


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
## Single Page Application
You're building a web app with client-side routing, so mark `index.html` as the SPA.
$ ws --spa index.html
By default, typical SPA paths (e.g. `/user/1`, `/login`) would return `404 Not Found` as a file does not exist with that path. By marking `index.html` as the SPA you create this rule:
*If a static file at the requested path exists (e.g. `/css/style.css`) then serve it, if it does not (e.g. `/login`) then serve the specified SPA and handle the route client-side.*


@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
## Stored config
Use the same options every time? Persist then to `package.json`:
"name": "example",
"version": "1.0.0",
"local-web-server": {
"port": 8100,
"forbid": "*.json"
or `.local-web-server.json`
"port": 8100,
"forbid": "*.json"
local-web-server will merge and use all config found, searching from the current directory upward. In the case both `package.json` and `.local-web-server.json` config is found in the same directory, `.local-web-server.json` will take precedence. Options set on the command line take precedence over all.
To inspect stored config, run:
$ ws --config


@ -108,409 +108,6 @@ serving at http://localhost:8000
### Single Page Application
You're building a web app with client-side routing, so mark `index.html` as the SPA.
$ ws --spa index.html
By default, typical SPA paths (e.g. `/user/1`, `/login`) would return `404 Not Found` as a file does not exist with that path. By marking `index.html` as the SPA you create this rule:
*If a static file at the requested path exists (e.g. `/css/style.css`) then serve it, if it does not (e.g. `/login`) then serve the specified SPA and handle the route client-side.*
### URL rewriting
Your application requested `/css/style.css` but it's stored at `/build/css/style.css`. To avoid a 404 you need a rewrite rule:
$ ws --rewrite '/css/style.css -> /build/css/style.css'
Or, more generally (matching any stylesheet under `/css`):
$ ws --rewrite '/css/:stylesheet -> /build/css/:stylesheet'
With a deep CSS directory structure it may be easier to mount the entire contents of `/build/css` to the `/css` path:
$ ws --rewrite '/css/* -> /build/css/$1'
this rewrites `/css/a` as `/build/css/a`, `/css/a/b/c` as `/build/css/a/b/c` etc.
#### Proxied requests
If the `to` URL contains a remote host, local-web-server will act as a proxy - fetching and responding with the remote resource.
Mount the npm registry locally:
$ ws --rewrite '/npm/* ->$1'
Map local requests for repo data to the Github API:
$ ws --rewrite '/:user/repos/:name ->'
### Mock Responses
Mocks give you full control over the response headers and body returned to the client. They can be used to return anything from a simple html string to a resourceful REST API. Typically, they're used to mock services but can be used for anything.
In the config, define an array called `mocks`. Each mock definition maps a <code>[route](</code> to a `response`. A simple home page:
"mocks": [
"route": "/",
"response": {
"body": "<h1>Welcome to the Mock Responses example</h1>"
Under the hood, the property values from the `response` object are written onto the underlying [koa response object]( You can set any valid koa response properies, for example [type](
"mocks": [
"route": "/",
"response": {
"type": "text/plain",
"body": "<h1>Welcome to the Mock Responses example</h1>"
#### Conditional Response
To define a conditional response, set a `request` object on the mock definition. The `request` value acts as a query - the response defined will only be returned if each property of the `request` query matches. For example, return an XML response *only* if the request headers include `accept: application/xml`, else return 404 Not Found.
"mocks": [
"route": "/two",
"request": { "accepts": "xml" },
"response": {
"body": "<result id='2' name='whatever' />"
#### Multiple Potential Responses
To specify multiple potential responses, set an array of mock definitions to the `responses` property. The first response with a matching request query will be sent. In this example, the client will get one of two responses depending on the request method:
"mocks": [
"route": "/three",
"responses": [
"request": { "method": "GET" },
"response": {
"body": "<h1>Mock response for 'GET' request on /three</h1>"
"request": { "method": "POST" },
"response": {
"status": 400,
"body": { "message": "That method is not allowed." }
#### Dynamic Response
The examples above all returned static data. To define a dynamic response, create a mock module. Specify its path in the `module` property:
"mocks": [
"route": "/four",
"module": "/mocks/stream-self.js"
Here's what the `stream-self` module looks like. The module should export a mock definition (an object, or array of objects, each with a `response` and optional `request`). In this example, the module simply streams itself to the response but you could set `body` to *any* [valid value](
const fs = require('fs')
module.exports = {
response: {
body: fs.createReadStream(__filename)
#### Response function
For more power, define the response as a function. It will receive the [koa context]( as its first argument. Now you have full programmatic control over the response returned.
module.exports = {
response: function (ctx) {
ctx.body = '<h1>I can do anything i want.</h1>'
If the route contains tokens, their values are passed to the response. For example, with this mock...
"mocks": [
"route": "/players/:id",
"module": "/mocks/players.js"
...the `id` value is passed to the `response` function. For example, a path of `/players/10?name=Lionel` would pass `10` to the response function. Additional, the value `Lionel` would be available on ``:
module.exports = {
response: function (ctx, id) {
ctx.body = `<h1>id: ${id}, name: ${}</h1>`
#### RESTful Resource example
Here's an example of a REST collection (users). We'll create two routes, one for actions on the resource collection, one for individual resource actions.
"mocks": [
{ "route": "/users", "module": "/mocks/users.js" },
{ "route": "/users/:id", "module": "/mocks/user.js" }
Define a module (`users.json`) defining seed data:
{ "id": 1, "name": "Lloyd", "age": 40, "nationality": "English" },
{ "id": 2, "name": "Mona", "age": 34, "nationality": "Palestinian" },
{ "id": 3, "name": "Francesco", "age": 24, "nationality": "Italian" }
The collection module:
const users = require('./users.json')
/* responses for /users */
const mockResponses = [
/* Respond with 400 Bad Request for PUT and DELETE - inappropriate on a collection */
{ request: { method: 'PUT' }, response: { status: 400 } },
{ request: { method: 'DELETE' }, response: { status: 400 } },
/* for GET requests return a subset of data, optionally filtered on 'minAge' and 'nationality' */
request: { method: 'GET' },
response: function (ctx) {
ctx.body = users.filter(user => {
const meetsMinAge = (user.age || 1000) >= (Number(ctx.query.minAge) || 0)
const requiredNationality = user.nationality === (ctx.query.nationality || user.nationality)
return meetsMinAge && requiredNationality
/* for POST requests, create a new user and return the path to the new resource */
request: { method: 'POST' },
response: function (ctx) {
const newUser = ctx.request.body
users.push(newUser) = users.length
ctx.status = 201
ctx.response.set('Location', `/users/${}`)
module.exports = mockResponses
The individual resource module:
const users = require('./users.json')
/* responses for /users/:id */
const mockResponses = [
/* don't support POST here */
{ request: { method: 'POST' }, response: { status: 400 } },
/* for GET requests, return a particular user */
request: { method: 'GET' },
response: function (ctx, id) {
ctx.body = users.find(user => === Number(id))
/* for PUT requests, update the record */
request: { method: 'PUT' },
response: function (ctx, id) {
const updatedUser = ctx.request.body
const existingUserIndex = users.findIndex(user => === Number(id))
users.splice(existingUserIndex, 1, updatedUser)
ctx.status = 200
/* DELETE request: remove the record */
request: { method: 'DELETE' },
response: function (ctx, id) {
const existingUserIndex = users.findIndex(user => === Number(id))
users.splice(existingUserIndex, 1)
ctx.status = 200
module.exports = mockResponses
### HTTPS Server
Some modern techs (ServiceWorker, any `MediaDevices.getUserMedia()` request etc.) *must* be served from a secure origin (HTTPS). To launch an HTTPS server, supply a `--key` and `--cert` to local-web-server, for example:
$ ws --key localhost.key --cert localhost.crt
If you don't have a key and certificate it's trivial to create them. You do not need third-party verification (Verisign etc.) for development purposes. To get the green padlock in the browser, the certificate..
* must have a `Common Name` value matching the FQDN of the server
* must be verified by a Certificate Authority (but we can overrule this - see below)
First create a certificate:
1. Install openssl.
`$ brew install openssl`
2. Generate a RSA private key.
`$ openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out ws.pass.key 2048`
3. Create RSA key.
$ openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in ws.pass.key -out ws.key
4. Create certificate request. The command below will ask a series of questions about the certificate owner. The most imporant answer to give is for `Common Name`, you can accept the default values for the others. **Important**: you **must** input your server's correct FQDN (`dev-server.local`, `laptop.home` etc.) into the `Common Name` field. The cert is only valid for the domain specified here. You can find out your computers host name by running the command `hostname`. For example, mine is `mba3.home`.
`$ openssl req -new -key ws.key -out ws.csr`
5. Generate self-signed certificate.
`$ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in ws.csr -signkey ws.key -out ws.crt`
6. Clean up files we're finished with
`$ rm ws.pass.key ws.csr`
7. Launch HTTPS server. In iTerm, control-click the first URL (with the hostname matching `Common Name`) to launch your browser.
$ ws --key ws.key --cert ws.crt
serving at https://mba3.home:8010,,
Chrome and Firefox will still complain your certificate has not been verified by a Certificate Authority. Firefox will offer you an `Add an exception` option, allowing you to ignore the warning and manually mark the certificate as trusted. In Chrome on Mac, you can manually trust the certificate another way:
1. Open Keychain
2. Click File -> Import. Select the `.crt` file you created.
3. In the `Certificates` category, double-click the cert you imported.
4. In the `trust` section, underneath `when using this certificate`, select `Always Trust`.
Now you have a valid, trusted certificate for development.
#### Built-in certificate
As a quick win, you can run `ws` with the `https` flag. This will launch an HTTPS server using a [built-in certificate]( registered to the domain
### Stored config
Use the same options every time? Persist then to `package.json`:
"name": "example",
"version": "1.0.0",
"local-web-server": {
"port": 8100,
"forbid": "*.json"
or `.local-web-server.json`
"port": 8100,
"forbid": "*.json"
local-web-server will merge and use all config found, searching from the current directory upward. In the case both `package.json` and `.local-web-server.json` config is found in the same directory, `.local-web-server.json` will take precedence. Options set on the command line take precedence over all.
To inspect stored config, run:
$ ws --config
### Logging
By default, local-web-server outputs a simple, dynamic statistics view. To see traditional web server logs, use `--log-format`:
$ ws --log-format combined
serving at http://localhost:8000
::1 - - [16/Nov/2015:11:16:52 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 12290 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2562.0 Safari/537.36"
The format value supplied is passed directly to [morgan]( The exception is `--log-format none` which disables all output.
### Access Control
By default, access to all files is allowed (including dot files). Use `--forbid` to establish a blacklist:
$ ws --forbid '*.json' '*.yml'
serving at http://localhost:8000
### Other usage
#### Debugging
@ -534,19 +131,6 @@ Disable etag response headers, forcing resources to be served in full every time
$ ws --no-cache
#### mime-types
You can set additional mime-type/extension mappings, or override the defaults by setting a `mime` value in the stored config. This value is passed directly to [mime.define()]( Example:
"mime": {
"text/plain": [ "php", "pl" ]
#### Log Visualisation
Instructions for how to visualise log output using goaccess, logstalgia or gltail [here](


@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
'use strict'
const arrayify = require('array-back')
const path = require('path')
const url = require('url')
const debug = require('./debug')
const mw = require('./middleware')
const t = require('typical')
const compose = require('koa-compose')
const flatten = require('reduce-flatten')
const MiddlewareStack = require('./middleware-stack')
class DefaultStack extends MiddlewareStack {
* allow from any origin
addCors () {
this.push({ middleware: require('kcors') })
return this
/* pretty print JSON */
addJson () {
this.push({ middleware: require('koa-json') })
return this
/* rewrite rules */
addRewrite (rewriteRules) {
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'rewrite', alias: 'r', type: String, multiple: true,
typeLabel: '[underline]{expression} ...',
description: "A list of URL rewrite rules. For each rule, separate the 'from' and 'to' routes with '->'. Whitespace surrounded the routes is ignored. E.g. '/from -> /to'."
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
const options = parseRewriteRules(arrayify(cliOptions.rewrite || rewriteRules))
if (options.length) {
return => {
if ( {
/* `to` address is remote if the url specifies a host */
if (url.parse( {
const _ = require('koa-route')
debug('proxy rewrite', `${route.from} -> ${}`)
return _.all(route.from, mw.proxyRequest(route))
} else {
const rewrite = require('koa-rewrite')
const rmw = rewrite(route.from,
rmw._name = 'rewrite'
return rmw
return this
/* must come after rewrite.
See */
addBodyParser () {
this.push({ middleware: require('koa-bodyparser') })
return this
/* path blacklist */
addBlacklist (forbidList) {
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'forbid', alias: 'b', type: String,
multiple: true, typeLabel: '[underline]{path} ...',
description: 'A list of forbidden routes.'
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
forbidList = arrayify(cliOptions.forbid || forbidList)
if (forbidList.length) {
const pathToRegexp = require('path-to-regexp')
debug('forbid', forbidList.join(', '))
return function blacklist (ctx, next) {
if (forbidList.some(expression => pathToRegexp(expression).test(ctx.path))) {
ctx.status = 403
} else {
return next()
return this
/* cache */
addCache () {
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'no-cache', alias: 'n', type: Boolean,
description: 'Disable etag-based caching - forces loading from disk each request.'
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
const noCache = cliOptions['no-cache']
if (!noCache) {
return [
return this
/* mime-type overrides */
addMimeOverride (mime) {
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
mime = cliOptions.mime || mime
if (mime) {
debug('mime override', JSON.stringify(mime))
return mw.mime(mime)
return this
/* compress response */
addCompression (compress) {
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'compress', alias: 'c', type: Boolean,
description: 'Serve gzip-compressed resources, where applicable.'
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
compress = t.isDefined(cliOptions.compress)
? cliOptions.compress
: compress
if (compress) {
debug('compression', 'enabled')
return require('koa-compress')()
return this
/* Logging */
addLogging (format, options) {
options = options || {}
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'log-format',
alias: 'f',
type: String,
description: "If a format is supplied an access log is written to stdout. If not, a dynamic statistics view is displayed. Use a preset ('none', 'dev','combined', 'short', 'tiny' or 'logstalgia') or supply a custom format (e.g. ':method -> :url')."
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
format = cliOptions['log-format'] || format
if (cliOptions.verbose && !format) {
format = 'none'
if (format !== 'none') {
const morgan = require('koa-morgan')
if (!format) {
const streamLogStats = require('stream-log-stats') = streamLogStats({ refreshRate: 500 })
return morgan('common', options)
} else if (format === 'logstalgia') {
morgan.token('date', () => {
var d = new Date()
return (`${d.getDate()}/${d.getUTCMonth()}/${d.getFullYear()}:${d.toTimeString()}`).replace('GMT', '').replace(' (BST)', '')
return morgan('combined', options)
} else {
return morgan(format, options)
return this
/* Mock Responses */
addMockResponses (mocks) {
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
mocks = arrayify(cliOptions.mocks || mocks)
return => {
if (mock.module) {
const modulePath = path.resolve(path.join(, mock.module))
mock.responses = require(modulePath)
if (mock.responses) {
return mw.mockResponses(mock.route, mock.responses)
} else if (mock.response) { = {
request: mock.request,
response: mock.response
return mw.mockResponses(mock.route,
return this
/* for any URL not matched by static (e.g. `/search`), serve the SPA */
addSpa (spa, assetTest) {
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'spa', alias: 's', type: String, typeLabel: '[underline]{file}',
description: 'Path to a Single Page App, e.g. app.html.'
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
spa = || spa || 'index.html'
assetTest = new RegExp(cliOptions['spa-asset-test'] || assetTest || '\\.')
if (spa) {
const send = require('koa-send')
const _ = require('koa-route')
debug('SPA', spa)
return _.get('*', function spaMw (ctx, route, next) {
const root = path.resolve( || process.cwd())
if (ctx.accepts('text/html') && !assetTest.test(route)) {
debug(`SPA request. Route: ${route}, isAsset: ${assetTest.test(route)}`)
return send(ctx, spa, { root: root }).then(next)
} else {
return send(ctx, route, { root: root }).then(next)
return this
/* serve static files */
addStatic (root, options) {
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'directory', alias: 'd', type: String, typeLabel: '[underline]{path}',
description: 'Root directory, defaults to the current directory.'
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
/* update global cliOptions */ = || root || process.cwd()
options = Object.assign({ hidden: true }, options)
if ( {
const serve = require('koa-static')
return serve(, options)
return this
/* serve directory index */
addIndex (path, options) {
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
path = || path || process.cwd()
options = Object.assign({ icons: true, hidden: true }, options)
if (path) {
const serveIndex = require('koa-serve-index')
return serveIndex(path, options)
return this
module.exports = DefaultStack
function parseRewriteRules (rules) {
return rules && => {
if (t.isString(rule)) {
const matches = rule.match(/(\S*)\s*->\s*(\S*)/)
if (!(matches && matches.length >= 3)) throw new Error('Invalid rule: ' + rule)
return {
from: matches[1],
to: matches[2]
} else {
return rule


@ -5,12 +5,20 @@ const path = require('path')
const arrayify = require('array-back')
const t = require('typical')
const CommandLineTool = require('command-line-tool')
const MiddlewareStack = require('./middleware-stack')
const DefaultStack = require('./default-stack')
const debug = require('./debug')
* @module local-web-server
const tool = new CommandLineTool()
class LocalWebServer extends MiddlewareStack {
* @alias module:local-web-server
* @extends module:middleware-stack
class LocalWebServer extends DefaultStack {
_init (options) {
this.options = this.options || Object.assign(options || {}, collectUserOptions(this.getOptionDefinitions()))
@ -83,7 +91,7 @@ class LocalWebServer extends MiddlewareStack {
function onServerUp (port, directory, isHttps) {
const ipList = getIPList(isHttps)
const ipList = getIPList()
.map(iface => `[underline]{${isHttps ? 'https' : 'http'}://${iface.address}:${port}}`)
.join(', ')
@ -94,7 +102,8 @@ function onServerUp (port, directory, isHttps) {
function getIPList (isHttps) {
function getIPList () {
const flatten = require('reduce-flatten')
const os = require('os')


@ -8,271 +8,21 @@ const t = require('typical')
const compose = require('koa-compose')
const flatten = require('reduce-flatten')
* @module middleware-stack
* @extends Array
* @alias module:middleware-stack
class MiddlewareStack extends Array {
add (middleware) {
return this
* allow from any origin
* @param {module:middleware-stack~middleware}
* @chainable
addCors () {
this.push({ middleware: require('kcors') })
return this
/* pretty print JSON */
addJson () {
this.push({ middleware: require('koa-json') })
return this
/* rewrite rules */
addRewrite (rewriteRules) {
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'rewrite', alias: 'r', type: String, multiple: true,
typeLabel: '[underline]{expression} ...',
description: "A list of URL rewrite rules. For each rule, separate the 'from' and 'to' routes with '->'. Whitespace surrounded the routes is ignored. E.g. '/from -> /to'."
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
const options = parseRewriteRules(arrayify(cliOptions.rewrite || rewriteRules))
if (options.length) {
return => {
if ( {
/* `to` address is remote if the url specifies a host */
if (url.parse( {
const _ = require('koa-route')
debug('proxy rewrite', `${route.from} -> ${}`)
return _.all(route.from, mw.proxyRequest(route))
} else {
const rewrite = require('koa-rewrite')
const rmw = rewrite(route.from,
rmw._name = 'rewrite'
return rmw
return this
/* must come after rewrite.
See */
addBodyParser () {
this.push({ middleware: require('koa-bodyparser') })
return this
/* path blacklist */
addBlacklist (forbidList) {
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'forbid', alias: 'b', type: String,
multiple: true, typeLabel: '[underline]{path} ...',
description: 'A list of forbidden routes.'
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
forbidList = arrayify(cliOptions.forbid || forbidList)
if (forbidList.length) {
const pathToRegexp = require('path-to-regexp')
debug('forbid', forbidList.join(', '))
return function blacklist (ctx, next) {
if (forbidList.some(expression => pathToRegexp(expression).test(ctx.path))) {
ctx.status = 403
} else {
return next()
return this
/* cache */
addCache () {
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'no-cache', alias: 'n', type: Boolean,
description: 'Disable etag-based caching - forces loading from disk each request.'
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
const noCache = cliOptions['no-cache']
if (!noCache) {
return [
return this
/* mime-type overrides */
addMimeOverride (mime) {
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
mime = cliOptions.mime || mime
if (mime) {
debug('mime override', JSON.stringify(mime))
return mw.mime(mime)
return this
/* compress response */
addCompression (compress) {
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'compress', alias: 'c', type: Boolean,
description: 'Serve gzip-compressed resources, where applicable.'
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
compress = t.isDefined(cliOptions.compress)
? cliOptions.compress
: compress
if (compress) {
debug('compression', 'enabled')
return require('koa-compress')()
return this
/* Logging */
addLogging (format, options) {
options = options || {}
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'log-format',
alias: 'f',
type: String,
description: "If a format is supplied an access log is written to stdout. If not, a dynamic statistics view is displayed. Use a preset ('none', 'dev','combined', 'short', 'tiny' or 'logstalgia') or supply a custom format (e.g. ':method -> :url')."
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
format = cliOptions['log-format'] || format
if (cliOptions.verbose && !format) {
format = 'none'
if (format !== 'none') {
const morgan = require('koa-morgan')
if (!format) {
const streamLogStats = require('stream-log-stats') = streamLogStats({ refreshRate: 500 })
return morgan('common', options)
} else if (format === 'logstalgia') {
morgan.token('date', () => {
var d = new Date()
return (`${d.getDate()}/${d.getUTCMonth()}/${d.getFullYear()}:${d.toTimeString()}`).replace('GMT', '').replace(' (BST)', '')
return morgan('combined', options)
} else {
return morgan(format, options)
return this
/* Mock Responses */
addMockResponses (mocks) {
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
mocks = arrayify(cliOptions.mocks || mocks)
return => {
if (mock.module) {
const modulePath = path.resolve(path.join(, mock.module))
mock.responses = require(modulePath)
if (mock.responses) {
return mw.mockResponses(mock.route, mock.responses)
} else if (mock.response) { = {
request: mock.request,
response: mock.response
return mw.mockResponses(mock.route,
return this
/* for any URL not matched by static (e.g. `/search`), serve the SPA */
addSpa (spa, assetTest) {
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'spa', alias: 's', type: String, typeLabel: '[underline]{file}',
description: 'Path to a Single Page App, e.g. app.html.'
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
spa = || spa || 'index.html'
assetTest = new RegExp(cliOptions['spa-asset-test'] || assetTest || '\\.')
if (spa) {
const send = require('koa-send')
const _ = require('koa-route')
debug('SPA', spa)
return _.get('*', function spaMw (ctx, route, next) {
const root = path.resolve( || process.cwd())
if (ctx.accepts('text/html') && !assetTest.test(route)) {
debug(`SPA request. Route: ${route}, isAsset: ${assetTest.test(route)}`)
return send(ctx, spa, { root: root }).then(next)
} else {
return send(ctx, route, { root: root }).then(next)
return this
/* serve static files */
addStatic (root, options) {
optionDefinitions: {
name: 'directory', alias: 'd', type: String, typeLabel: '[underline]{path}',
description: 'Root directory, defaults to the current directory.'
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
/* update global cliOptions */ = || root || process.cwd()
options = Object.assign({ hidden: true }, options)
if ( {
const serve = require('koa-static')
return serve(, options)
return this
/* serve directory index */
addIndex (path, options) {
middleware: function (cliOptions) {
path = || path || process.cwd()
options = Object.assign({ icons: true, hidden: true }, options)
if (path) {
const serveIndex = require('koa-serve-index')
return serveIndex(path, options)
add (middleware) {
return this
@ -295,24 +45,14 @@ class MiddlewareStack extends Array {
.filter(middleware => middleware)
.reduce(flatten, [])
// console.error(require('util').inspect(middlewareStack, { depth: 3, colors: true }))
return compose(middlewareStack)
module.exports = MiddlewareStack
function parseRewriteRules (rules) {
return rules && => {
if (t.isString(rule)) {
const matches = rule.match(/(\S*)\s*->\s*(\S*)/)
if (!(matches && matches.length >= 3)) throw new Error('Invalid rule: ' + rule)
return {
from: matches[1],
to: matches[2]
} else {
return rule
* @typedef middleware
* @property optionDefinitions {object|object[]}
* @property middleware {function}