Lloyd Brookes
9 years ago
8 changed files with 101 additions and 173 deletions
@ -1 +1,2 @@ |
node_modules |
tmp |
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"bitwise": true, |
"camelcase": true, |
"eqeqeq": true, |
"globals": { "describe" : false, "it": false, "beforeEach": false }, |
"globalstrict": false, |
"indent": 4, |
"latedef": true, |
"laxbreak": true, |
"maxparams": 3, |
"multistr": true, |
"newcap": true, |
"node": true, |
"quotmark": "double", |
"trailing": true, |
"undef": true, |
"unused": true |
} |
@ -1,155 +1,8 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict' |
var dope = require('console-dope') |
var http = require('http') |
var cliArgs = require('command-line-args') |
var o = require('object-tools') |
var t = require('typical') |
var path = require('path') |
var loadConfig = require('config-master') |
var homePath = require('home-path') |
var logStats = require('stream-log-stats') |
var connect = require('connect') |
var morgan = require('morgan') |
var serveStatic = require('serve-static') |
var directory = require('serve-index') |
var compress = require('compression') |
var cliOptions = require('../lib/cli-options') |
const localWebServer = require('../') |
/* specify the command line arg definitions and usage forms */ |
var cli = cliArgs(cliOptions) |
var usage = cli.getUsage({ |
title: 'local-web-server', |
description: 'Lightweight static web server, zero configuration.', |
footer: 'Project home: [underline]{https://github.com/75lb/local-web-server}', |
usage: { |
forms: [ |
'$ ws <server options>', |
'$ ws --config', |
'$ ws --help' |
] |
}, |
groups: { |
server: 'Server', |
misc: 'Misc' |
} |
localWebServer() |
.listen(8000, () => { |
console.log(`listening`) |
}) |
/* parse command line args */ |
try { |
var wsOptions = cli.parse() |
} catch (err) { |
halt(err.message) |
} |
/* Load and merge together options from |
- ~/.local-web-server.json |
- {cwd}/.local-web-server.json |
- the `local-web-server` property of {cwd}/package.json |
*/ |
var storedConfig = loadConfig( |
path.join(homePath(), '.local-web-server.json'), |
path.join(process.cwd(), '.local-web-server.json'), |
{ jsonPath: path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json'), configProperty: 'local-web-server' } |
) |
var builtInDefaults = { |
port: 8000, |
directory: process.cwd(), |
'refresh-rate': 500, |
mime: {} |
} |
/* override built-in defaults with stored config and then command line args */ |
wsOptions.server = o.extend(builtInDefaults, storedConfig, wsOptions.server) |
/* user input validation */ |
if (!t.isNumber(wsOptions.server.port)) { |
halt('please supply a numeric port value') |
} |
if (wsOptions.misc.config) { |
dope.log('Stored config: ') |
dope.log(storedConfig) |
process.exit(0) |
} else if (wsOptions.misc.help) { |
dope.log(usage) |
} else { |
process.on('SIGINT', function () { |
dope.showCursor() |
dope.log() |
process.exit(0) |
}) |
dope.hideCursor() |
launchServer() |
/* write launch information to stderr (stdout is reserved for web log output) */ |
if (path.resolve(wsOptions.server.directory) === process.cwd()) { |
dope.error('serving at %underline{%s}', 'http://localhost:' + wsOptions.server.port) |
} else { |
dope.error('serving %underline{%s} at %underline{%s}', wsOptions.server.directory, 'http://localhost:' + wsOptions.server.port) |
} |
} |
function halt (message) { |
dope.red.log('Error: %s', message) |
dope.log(usage) |
process.exit(1) |
} |
function launchServer () { |
var app = connect() |
/* enable cross-origin requests on all resources */ |
app.use(function (req, res, next) { |
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') |
next() |
}) |
if (wsOptions.server['log-format'] !== 'none') app.use(getLogger()) |
/* --compress enables compression */ |
if (wsOptions.server.compress) app.use(compress()) |
/* set the mime-type overrides specified in the config */ |
serveStatic.mime.define(wsOptions.server.mime) |
/* enable static file server, including directory browsing support */ |
app.use(serveStatic(path.resolve(wsOptions.server.directory))) |
.use(directory(path.resolve(wsOptions.server.directory), { icons: true })) |
/* launch server */ |
http.createServer(app) |
.on('error', function (err) { |
if (err.code === 'EADDRINUSE') { |
halt('port ' + wsOptions.server.port + ' is already is use') |
} else { |
halt(err.message) |
} |
}) |
.listen(wsOptions.server.port) |
} |
function getLogger () { |
/* log using --log-format (if supplied) */ |
var logFormat = wsOptions.server['log-format'] |
if (logFormat) { |
if (logFormat === 'logstalgia') { |
/* customised logger :date token, purely to satisfy Logstalgia. */ |
morgan.token('date', function () { |
var d = new Date() |
return (d.getDate() + '/' + d.getUTCMonth() + '/' + d.getFullYear() + ':' + d.toTimeString()) |
.replace('GMT', '').replace(' (BST)', '') |
}) |
logFormat = 'combined' |
} |
return morgan(logFormat) |
/* if no `--log-format` was specified, pipe the default format output |
into `log-stats`, which prints statistics to the console */ |
} else { |
return morgan('common', { stream: logStats({ refreshRate: wsOptions.server['refresh-rate'] }) }) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
'use strict' |
const Koa = require('koa') |
const serve = require('koa-static') |
const convert = require('koa-convert') |
const extend = require('deep-extend') |
const serveIndex = require('koa-serve-index') |
/** |
* @module local-web-server |
*/ |
module.exports = getApp |
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => { |
throw reason |
}) |
function getApp (options) { |
options = extend({ |
static: { root: '.' }, |
serveIndex: { path: '.' } |
}, options) |
const app = new Koa() |
app.use(convert(serve(options.static.root, options.static.options))) |
app.use(convert(serveIndex(options.serveIndex.path, options.serveIndex.options))) |
return app |
} |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
test |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
'use strict' |
const test = require('tape') |
const request = require('req-then') |
const localWebServer = require('../') |
const http = require('http') |
test('static', function (t) { |
t.plan(1) |
const app = localWebServer({ |
static: { |
root: __dirname + '/static', |
options: { |
index: 'file.txt' |
} |
} |
}) |
const server = http.createServer(app.callback()) |
server.listen(8100) |
request('http://localhost:8100') |
.then(response => { |
t.strictEqual(response.data, 'test\n') |
}) |
.then(() => server.close()) |
}) |
test('serve-index', function (t) { |
t.plan(2) |
const app = localWebServer({ |
serveIndex: { |
path: __dirname + '/static', |
options: { |
icons: true |
} |
} |
}) |
const server = http.createServer(app.callback()) |
server.listen(8100) |
request('http://localhost:8100/') |
.then(response => { |
t.ok(/listing directory/.test(response.data)) |
t.ok(/class="icon/.test(response.data)) |
}) |
.then(() => server.close()) |
}) |
Reference in new issue