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Lloyd Brookes 9 years ago
  1. 96
  2. 32


@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Application Shell
* specify options (for command line or config)
* Accepts Koa v1 or 2 middleware
* Bundle with your front-end project
* Configuration is via json file or command-line (latter taking presedence)
* Configuration is via json file or command-line (latter taking precedence)
* Outputs a dynamic statistics view to the terminal
@ -51,30 +51,32 @@ local-web-server is a command-line tool. To serve the current directory, run `ws
$ ws [&lt;server options&gt;]
$ ws [--verbose] [<server options>] [<middleware options>]
$ ws --config
$ ws --help
-p, --port number Web server port.
-d, --directory path Root directory, defaults to the current directory.
-f, --log-format string If a format is supplied an access log is written to stdout. If
not, a dynamic statistics view is displayed. Use a preset ('none',
'dev','combined', 'short', 'tiny' or 'logstalgia') or supply a
custom format (e.g. ':method -> :url').
-r, --rewrite expression ... A list of URL rewrite rules. For each rule, separate the 'from'
and 'to' routes with '->'. Whitespace surrounded the routes is
ignored. E.g. '/from -> /to'.
-s, --spa file Path to a Single Page App, e.g. app.html.
-c, --compress Serve gzip-compressed resources, where applicable.
-b, --forbid path ... A list of forbidden routes.
-n, --no-cache Disable etag-based caching -forces loading from disk each request.
--key file SSL key. Supply along with --cert to launch a https server.
--cert file SSL cert. Supply along with --key to launch a https server.
--https Enable HTTPS using a built-in key and cert, registered to the
--verbose Verbose output, useful for debugging.
--https Enable HTTPS using a built-in key and cert, registered to the domain
-r, --rewrite expression ... A list of URL rewrite rules. For each rule, separate the 'from' and 'to'
routes with '->'. Whitespace surrounded the routes is ignored. E.g. '/from ->
-b, --forbid path ... A list of forbidden routes.
-n, --no-cache Disable etag-based caching -forces loading from disk each request.
-c, --compress Serve gzip-compressed resources, where applicable.
-f, --log-format string If a format is supplied an access log is written to stdout. If not, a dynamic
statistics view is displayed. Use a preset ('none', 'dev','combined',
'short', 'tiny' or 'logstalgia') or supply a custom format (e.g. ':method ->
-s, --spa file Path to a Single Page App, e.g. app.html.
-d, --directory path Root directory, defaults to the current directory.
@ -108,72 +110,12 @@ serving at http://localhost:8000
### Other usage
#### Debugging
Prints information about loaded middleware, arguments, remote proxy fetches etc.
$ ws --verbose
#### Compression
Serve gzip-compressed resources, where applicable
$ ws --compress
#### Disable caching
Disable etag response headers, forcing resources to be served in full every time.
$ ws --no-cache
#### Log Visualisation
Instructions for how to visualise log output using goaccess, logstalgia or gltail [here](
## Install
Ensure [node.js]( is installed first. Linux/Mac users may need to run the following commands with `sudo`.
$ npm install -g local-web-server
## Distribute with your project
The standard convention with client-server applications is to add an `npm start` command to launch the server component.
1\. Install the server as a dev dependency
$ npm install local-web-server --save-dev
2\. Add a `start` command to your `package.json`:
"name": "example",
"version": "1.0.0",
"local-web-server": {
"port": 8100,
"forbid": "*.json"
"scripts": {
"start": "ws"
3\. Document how to build and launch your site
$ npm install
$ npm start
serving at http://localhost:8100
* * *
&copy; 2013-16 Lloyd Brookes <>. Documented by [jsdoc-to-markdown](


@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
## Distribute with your project
The standard convention with client-server applications is to add an `npm start` command to launch the server component.
1\. Install the server as a dev dependency
$ npm install local-web-server --save-dev
2\. Add a `start` command to your `package.json`:
"name": "example",
"version": "1.0.0",
"local-web-server": {
"port": 8100,
"forbid": "*.json"
"scripts": {
"start": "ws"
3\. Document how to build and launch your site
$ npm install
$ npm start
serving at http://localhost:8100