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**This documentation is a work in progress**
# local-web-server
The modular web server for productive full-stack development.
Use this tool to:
* Build any flavour of web application (static site, dynamic site with client or server-rendered content, Single Page App, Progessive Web App, Angular or React app etc.) * Prototype any CORS-enabled back-end service (e.g. RESTful HTTP API or Microservice using websockets, Server Sent Events etc.) * Monitor activity, analyse performance, experiment with caching strategies etc.
* Modular, extensible and easy to personalise. Create, share and consume the plugins which match your requirements. * Powerful, extensible command-line interface (add your own commands and options) * HTTP, HTTPS and experimental HTTP2 support * URL Rewriting to local or remote destinations * Single Page Application support * Response mocking * Configurable access log * Route blacklisting * HTTP Conditional Request support * Gzip response compression and much more
## Synopsis
This package installs the `ws` command-line tool (take a look at the [usage guide](https://github.com/lwsjs/local-web-server/wiki/CLI-usage)).
### Static web site
The most simple use case is to run `ws` without any arguments - this will **host the current directory as a static web site**. Navigating to the server will render a directory listing or your `index.html`, if that file exists.
```sh $ ws Serving at http://mbp.local:8000,, ```
### Single Page Application
Serving a Single Page Application (e.g. a React or Angular app) is as trivial as specifying the name of your single page:
```sh $ ws --spa index.html Serving at http://mbp.local:8000,, ```
By default, requests for typical SPA paths (e.g. `/user/1`, `/login`) would return `404 Not Found` as a file at that locaiton does not exist. By marking `index.html` as the SPA you create this rule:
*If a static file at the requested path exists (e.g. `/css/style.css`) then serve it, if it does not (e.g. `/login`) then serve the specified SPA and handle the route client-side.*
### URL rewriting and proxied requests
Another common use case is to **re-route certain requests to a remote server** if, for example, you'd like to use data from a different environment. The following command would proxy requests with a URL beginning with `` to `https://internal-service.local/api/`:
```sh $ ws --rewrite '/api/* -> https://internal-service.local/api/$1' Serving at http://mbp.local:8000,, ```
### Mock responses
Imagine the network is down or you're working offline, proxied requests to `https://internal-service.local/api/users/1` would fail. In this case, Mock Responses can fill the gap. Export your mock responses from a module.
```js const users = [ { "id": 1, "name": "Lloyd", "age": 40 }, { "id": 2, "name": "Mona", "age": 34 }, { "id": 3, "name": "Francesco", "age": 24 } ]
module.exports = MockBase => class MockUsers extends MockBase { mocks () { /* response mocks for /users */ return [ { route: '/users', responses: [ /* Respond with 400 Bad Request for PUT and DELETE requests (inappropriate on a collection) */ { request: { method: 'PUT' }, response: { status: 400 } }, { request: { method: 'DELETE' }, response: { status: 400 } }, { /* for GET requests return the collection */ request: { method: 'GET' }, response: { type: 'application/json', body: users } }, { /* for POST requests, create a new user and return its location */ request: { method: 'POST' }, response: function (ctx) { const newUser = ctx.request.body users.push(newUser) newUser.id = users.length ctx.status = 201 ctx.response.set('Location', `/users/${newUser.id}`) } } ] } ] } } ```
Next, launch `ws` passing in your mocks module:
```sh $ ws --mocks example-mocks.js Serving at http://mbp.local:8000,, ```
Test your mock responses. A `POST` request should return a `201` with a `Location` header and empty body.
```sh $ curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{ "name": "Anthony" }' -i HTTP/1.1 201 Created Vary: Origin Location: /users/4 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 7 Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2017 20:31:19 GMT Connection: keep-alive ```
A `GET` to `/users` should return our mock user data, including the record just added.
```sh $ curl [ { "id": 1, "name": "Lloyd", "age": 40 }, { "id": 2, "name": "Mona", "age": 34 }, { "id": 3, "name": "Francesco", "age": 24 }, { "id": 4, "name": "Anthony" } ```
Launching a secure server is as simple as setting the `--https` flag. [See the wiki](https://github.com/lwsjs/local-web-server/wiki) for further configuration options and a guide on how to get the "green padlock" in your browser.
```sh $ ws --https Serving at https://mbp.local:8000,, ```
## Further Documentation
[See the wiki for plenty more documentation and tutorials](https://github.com/lwsjs/local-web-server/wiki).
## Install
Requires node v7.6 or higher. Install the [previous release](https://github.com/lwsjs/local-web-server/tree/v1.x) for node >= v4.0.0.
```sh $ npm install -g local-web-server@next ``` * * *
© 2013-17 Lloyd Brookes <75pound@gmail.com>. Documented by [jsdoc-to-markdown](https://github.com/jsdoc2md/jsdoc-to-markdown).