#!/usr/bin/env node
"use strict"; var dope = require("console-dope"), connect = require("connect"), http = require("http"), cliArgs = require("command-line-args"), o = require("object-ting"), s = require("string-ting"), path = require("path"), loadConfig = require("config-master"), morgan = require("morgan"), serveStatic = require("serve-static"), directory = require("serve-index"), compress = require("compression"), homePath = require("home-path"), byteSize = require("byte-size"), clf = require("common-log-format"), logStats = require("stream-log-stats");
var usage = "usage: \n\ $ ws [--directory|-d <dir>] [--port|-p <port>] [--log-format|-f dev|default|short|tiny|logstalgia] [--compress|-c]\n\ $ ws --config\n\ $ ws --help|-h";
function halt(message){ dope.red.log("Error: %s", message); dope.log(usage); process.exit(1); }
/* Merge together options from - ~/.local-web-server.json - {cwd}/.local-web-server.json - {cwd}/package.json */ var storedConfig = loadConfig( path.join(homePath(), ".local-web-server.json"), path.join(process.cwd(), ".local-web-server.json"), { jsonPath: path.join(process.cwd(), "package.json"), configProperty: "local-web-server" } );
/* override stored config with values parsed from command line */ try { var argv = cliArgs([ { name: "port", alias: "p", type: Number, defaultOption: true, value: 8000 }, { name: "log-format", alias: "f", type: String }, { name: "help", alias: "h", type: Boolean }, { name: "directory", alias: "d", type: String, value: process.cwd() }, { name: "config", type: Boolean }, { name: "compress", alias: "c", type: Boolean } ]).parse(); } catch(err){ halt(err.message); } argv = o.extend(storedConfig, argv);
if (argv.config){ dope.log("Stored config: "); dope.log(storedConfig); process.exit(0);
} else if (argv.help){ dope.log(usage);
} else { var total = { req: 0, bytes: 0, connections: 0 };
process.on("SIGINT", function(){ dope.showCursor(); dope.log(); process.exit(0); });
var app = connect();
/* log using --log-format (if supplied) */ if(argv["log-format"]) { if (argv["log-format"] === "logstalgia"){ /* customised logger :date token, purely to satisfy Logstalgia. */ morgan.token("date", function(){ var a = new Date(); return (a.getDate() + "/" + a.getUTCMonth() + "/" + a.getFullYear() + ":" + a.toTimeString()) .replace("GMT", "").replace(" (BST)", ""); }); argv["log-format"] = "default"; } app.use(morgan(argv["log-format"])); } else { var statStream = clf(); statStream.pipe(logStats()); app.use(morgan({ stream: statStream })); }
/* --compress enables compression */ if (argv.compress) app.use(compress());
/* static file server including directory browsing support */ app.use(serveStatic(path.resolve(argv.directory))) .use(directory(path.resolve(argv.directory), { icons: true }));
/* launch server */ var server = http.createServer(app) .on("error", function(err){ if (err.code === "EADDRINUSE"){ halt("port " + argv.port + " is already is use"); } else { halt(err.message); } }) .listen(argv.port);
/* write status to stderr so stdout can be piped to disk ($ ws > log.txt) */ if (path.resolve(argv.directory) === process.cwd()){ dope.error("serving at %underline{%s}", "http://localhost:" + argv.port); } else { dope.error("serving %underline{%s} at %underline{%s}", argv.directory, "http://localhost:" + argv.port); } }