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***Requires node v7.6 or higher. Install the [previous release](https://github.com/lwsjs/local-web-server/tree/v1.x) for node >= v4.0.0. Documentation still WIP.***
# local-web-server
The development web server for productive front-end and full-stack Javascript engineers. Built on [lws](https://github.com/lwsjs/lws).
- Fast and lightweight. - Use the built-in features, a subset of the built-ins or your own feature stack - Configurable with sensible defaults. - Configure by constructor option, command-line option, stored config or all three. - HTTP or HTTPS ([HTTP2](https://github.com/nodejs/http2) will be added once ready) - URL rewriting - Local rewrites for quick experimentation (e.g. from `/img/logo.svg` to `/img/new-logo.svg`) - Rewrite to remote resources (e.g. from `/api/*` to `https://example-api.pl/api/$1`). *Note: ignores remote server's CORS policy, which during development is typically what you want*. - Optimisal caching by default. - Efficient, predictable, entity-tag-powered conditional request handling (no need to 'Disable Cache' in DevTools, slowing page-load down) - Configurable log output, compatible with [Goaccess, Logstalgia and glTail](https://github.com/lwsjs/local-web-server/blob/master/doc/visualisation.md) - Configurable CORS rules. All origins allowed by default.
**Links to demoes and how-tos**
Things you can build:
- Simple static website - Single Page Application - Works well with React, Angular or vanilla JS. - Real or mock web services - e.g. a RESTful API or microservice - Mocks are defined with config (static), or code (dynamic). - Websocket server
## Synopsis
local-web-server is a command-line tool. To serve the current directory, run `ws`.
<pre><code>$ ws --help
A convenient local web server to support productive, full-stack Javascript development.
$ ws [--verbose] [--config-file file] [<server options>] [<middleware options>] $ ws --config $ ws --help $ ws --version
-h, --help Print these usage instructions. --config Print the active config. -c, --config-file file Config filename to use, defaults to "lws.config.js". -v, --verbose Verbose output. --version Print the version number.
-p, --port number Web server port. --hostname string The hostname (or IP address) to listen on. Defaults to --stack feature ... Feature stack. --key file SSL key. Supply along with --cert to launch a https server. --cert file SSL cert. Supply along with --key to launch a https server. --https Enable HTTPS using a built-in key and cert, registered to the domain
-f, --log.format string If a format is supplied an access log is written to stdout. If not, a dynamic statistics view is displayed. Use a preset ('none', 'dev','combined', 'short', 'tiny', 'stats', or 'logstalgia') or supply a custom format (e.g. ':method -> :url'). --cors.origin Access-Control-Allow-Origin value. Default is request Origin header. --cors.allow-methods Access-Control-Allow-Methods value. Default is "GET,HEAD,PUT,POST,DELETE,PATCH" -r, --rewrite expression ... A list of URL rewrite rules. For each rule, separate the 'from' and 'to' routes with '->'. Whitespace surrounded the routes is ignored. E.g. '/from -> /to'. -b, --forbid path ... A list of forbidden routes. -n, --no-cache Disable etag-based caching - forces loading from disk each request. -z, --compress Serve gzip-compressed resources, where applicable. --compress.threshold number Minimum response size in bytes to apply compression. Defaults to 1024 bytes. --spa file Path to a Single Page App, e.g. app.html. --spa.asset-test RegExp A regular expression to identify an asset file. Defaults to "\.". -d, --directory path Root directory, defaults to the current directory. --static.maxage number Browser cache max-age in milliseconds. --static.defer If true, serves after `yield next`, allowing any downstream middleware to respond first. --static.index path Default file name, defaults to `index.html`. --index.root path Index root directory, defaults to --directory or the current directory. --index.hidden Show hidden files. --index.view name Display mode, either `tiles` or `details`. Defaults to tiles.
Project home: https://github.com/lwsjs/local-web-server </code></pre>
## Install
```sh $ npm install -g local-web-server ``` * * *
© 2013-17 Lloyd Brookes <75pound@gmail.com>. Documented by [jsdoc-to-markdown](https://github.com/jsdoc2md/jsdoc-to-markdown).