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41 lines
674 B

  1. # Unnecessary files ignore
  2. *.sql
  3. *.gz
  4. *.log
  5. *.old
  6. # wp config ignore
  7. /wp-config.php
  8. # wp-content uploads, backups and additional ignores
  9. /wp-content/advanced-cache.php
  10. /wp-content/aiowps_backups
  11. /wp-content/backupwordpress-*
  12. /wp-content/backup*
  13. /wp-content/cache
  14. /wp-content/logs
  15. /wp-content/updraft
  16. /wp-content/upgrade
  17. /wp-content/uploads
  18. /wp-content/wp-cache-config.php
  19. /wp-content/webp-express
  20. /wp-content/wp-rocket-config
  21. # Letsencrypt dir ignore
  22. /.well-known
  23. # duplicator plugin wp-snapshots ignore
  24. /wp-snapshots
  25. /dup*.txt
  26. # webmasters confirmation files
  27. /yandex*.html
  28. /google*.html
  29. # IDE ignores
  30. /.idea
  31. # Bash script helpers in root dir
  32. /*.sh
  33. # Custom ignores