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+ example system unit file
+ own common tasks of prepared debian for make programs from source + ansible ssh port examplemaster
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@ -1,147 +1,15 @@ |
# Ansible-Boilerplate |
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[Ansible]( is a configuration management tool, similar to [Chef]( and [Puppet]( It allows for performing logical configuration of infrastructure components, such as servers and network switches. The configuration files in this repository can act as a template for your own Ansible projects, in order to get you started quickly. Once you've customized the configuration files then new servers can be configured quickly — excluding their network configuration. This means that adding new servers is as simple as: |
- Base OS installation of new server |
- Network configuration of new server (including bond, bridge, DNS and routing) |
- Configuration of password-less (public key) SSH authentication from the Ansible host (your laptop) to the new server |
The remaining configuration (installing packages, configuring services, etc.) can then be achieved using Ansible. In addition, Ansible ensures that configuration of all servers is and remains consistent. |
## Using this repository |
Simply download (clone) the repository and start modifying files according to your needs. |
``` |
git clone myAnsibleProject/ |
``` |
Ideally, you'll want to use [Git]( to manage your Ansible configuration files. For that purpose simply [fork]( this repository into your own Git repository before cloning and customizing it. Alternatively, create your own repository [from the template]( Git will allow you to version and roll-back changes with ease. |
Specifically, you'll want to customize the following files: |
- Add your own hosts and groups to file `hosts`. You'll want to replace `[anygroup]` with a more meaningful group name, and add your own groups as required. |
- Define roles by adding subdirectories underneath directory `roles/`. You'll want to rename `anyrole/` to a more meaningful role name, and add your own roles as required. |
- Associate your hosts (groups) with your roles by adding appropriate playbooks in the root directory. Rename `anygroup.yml` to a more meaningful playbook name. |
- Import all your playbooks in the main `site.yml` playbook. |
## Using Ansible |
Install `ansible` on your laptop and link the `hosts` file from `/etc/ansible/hosts` to the file in your repository. Now you're all set. |
To run a single (ad-hoc) task on multiple servers: |
``` |
# Check connectivity |
ansible all -m ping -u root |
# Run single command on all servers |
ansible all -m command -a "cat /etc/hosts" -u root |
# Run single command only on servers in specific group |
ansible anygroup -m command -a "cat /etc/hosts" -u root |
# Run single command on individual server |
ansible server1 -m command -a "cat /etc/hosts" -u root |
``` |
As the `command` module is the default, it can also be omitted: |
``` |
ansible server1 -a "cat /etc/hosts" -u root |
``` |
To use shell variables on the remote server, use the `shell` module instead of `command`, and use single quotes for the argument: |
``` |
ansible server1 -m shell -a 'echo $HOSTNAME' -u root |
``` |
The true power of ansible comes with so called *playbooks* — think of them as scripts, but they're declarative. Playbooks allow for running multiple tasks on any number of servers, as defined in the configuration files (`*.yml`): |
``` |
# Run all tasks on all servers |
ansible-playbook site.yml -v |
# Run all tasks only on group of servers |
ansible-playbook anygroup.yml -v |
# Run all tasks only on individual server |
ansible-playbook site.yml -v -l server1 |
``` |
Note that `-v` produces verbose output. `-vv` and `-vvv` are also available for even more (debug) output. |
To verify what tasks would do without changing the actual configuration, use the `--list-hosts` and `--check` parameters: |
``` |
# Show hosts that would be affected by playbook |
ansible-playbook site.yml --list-hosts |
# Perform dry-run to see what tasks would do |
ansible-playbook site.yml -v --check |
``` |
Running all tasks in a playbook may take a long time. *Tags* are available to organize tasks so one can only run specific tasks to configure a certain component: |
``` |
# Show list of available tags |
ansible-playbook site.yml --list-tags |
# Only run tasks required to configure DNS |
ansible-playbook site.yml -v -t dns |
``` |
Note that the above command requires you to have tasks defined with the `tags: dns` attribute. |
## Configuration files |
The `hosts` file defines all hosts and groups which they belong to. Note that a single host can be member of multiple groups. Define groups for each rack, for each network, or for each environment (e.g. production vs. test). |
### Playbooks |
Playbooks associate hosts (groups) with roles. Define a separate playbook for each of your groups, and then import all playbooks in the main `site.yml` playbook. |
File | Description |
---- | ----------- |
`site.yml` | Main playbook - runs all tasks on all servers |
`anygroup.yml` | Group playbook - runs all tasks on servers in group *anygroup* |
### Roles |
The group playbooks (e.g. `anygroup.yml`) simply associate hosts with roles. Actual tasks are defined in these roles: |
``` |
roles/ |
├── common/ Applied to all servers |
│ ├── handlers/ |
│ ├── tasks/ |
│ │ └ main.yml Tasks for all servers |
│ └── templates/ |
└── anyrole/ Applied to servers in specific group(s) |
├── handlers/ |
├── tasks/ |
│ └ main.yml Tasks for specific group(s) |
└── templates/ |
``` |
Consider adding separate roles for different applications (e.g. webservers, dbservers, hypervisors, etc.), or for different responsibilities which servers fulfill (e.g. infra_server vs. infra_client). |
### Tags |
Use the following command to show a list of available tags: |
``` |
ansible-playbook site.yml --list-tags |
``` |
Consider adding tags for individual components (e.g. DNS, NTP, HTTP, etc.). |
Role | Tags |
--- | --- |
Common | all,check |
## Copyright and license |
Copyright 2017 Achim Christ, released under the [MIT license](LICENSE) |
# Getting Started |
## Create symlink for ansible hosts |
`sudo ln -s $(realpath hosts) /etc/ansible/hosts` |
## Modify your ~/.ssh/config |
``` |
Host |
Port 22242 |
``` |
# Usage |
## Ping |
`ansible debian10 -m ping -u root` |
## Playbook |
`ansible-playbook anygroup.yml` |
## Playbook group only tag |
`ansible-playbook anygroup.yml -t nginx` |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
[Unit] |
Description=nginx - high performance web server |
Documentation= |
| |
| |
[Service] |
Type=forking |
PIDFile=/var/run/ |
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf |
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID |
ExecStop=/bin/kill -s TERM $MAINPID |
[Install] |
| |
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